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Recognizing Rationalizing Resisting Change in a complex world.

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2 Recognizing Rationalizing Resisting Change in a complex world

3 Technology and the “New Society” SOCIETY POLITICS THEORY ECONOMICS New Paradigms for Thinking and Acting New Challenges for Society and Humanity Education Work Health Information Gender The Future Issues A New Era

4 Harold Adams Innis Metropolis-Hinterland Theory Empire and Communication Bias of Communication Marshall McLuhan The Mechanical Bride The Medium is the Message Hot and Cool Media Global Village The Medium is the Massage Jacques Ellul The Technological Society Technology v. Technique Pessimistic Outlook Mark Poster: The Mode of Information Neil Postman: Technopoly James Beniger: The Control Revolution

5 Making the Pieces Fit in New Ways Bureaucracy & Administration Government & Governing Public Policy & the Policy Process New Communities of Interest -- Actors In the Information Age... What does govern mean? What can be governed? Who are the governors?

6 Mode of Production to Mode of Communication Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector Rapid Changes in the Economic System with Technological Advances Services Informatics Information New Economy: Work Education Health Use of Time Use of Space Management of Resources Learning to cope in a new economic order

7 S O C I TE Y Ethnicity Family Gender Community Ethics Control Equality Evolution of Society

8 Industrial Revolution Analytical Engine Microprocessor Information Age EVOLUTION OF CONTROL James Beniger A New Era? The increased influence of technology has meant a increase of “control.”

9 Privacy & Surveillance Computer Ethics Justice Boundaries Too much information?

10 Data Information Knowledge Wisdom Increasing Volume of Information Means More info to process More info to store More info to identify More info to analyze The Challenge: Knowing what to do with what there is … Creating Developing Acquiring Distributing Dissemination Allocation Destruction

11 OLD SCHOOL New School??? (Image of silicon chip) Chalk & Talk Listen & Learn The facts are in books Knowledge is power Plug in & Do New classroom experiences Computer Literacy? It’s on the Web “A state of confusion and transition that sees the gradual introduction of information technology into the classrooms” Unequal distribution of resources? Info Rich & Poor

12 The Mode of Information Nature Type Concept Future (Jeremy Rifkin) New Working Conditions: Education Issues Health Issues Use of Time and Space: Part-time work Telecommuting Flextime Shift work

13 Does progression in time equal progression in the position of woman Developed v. Developing World The Glass Ceiling? Is the battle of the sexes over? Is it still possible to be equal?

14 Economic Responses to Technology = Challenges to Health Challenges in the Workplace Time spent working Types of work Use of working space Challenges in Society Provision of Care Rising Costs Increasing Dependence

15 Discuss the impact on: The World Society Government ? Increasing Reliance on machines that replicate human activity efficiently Not necessarily about the machines rather, WHAT THEY DO TO US

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