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Davina Pruitt-Mentle Educational Technology Outreach College of Education University of Maryland Cyberethics, Cybersafety, and Cybersecurity (C3): Implications.

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Presentation on theme: "Davina Pruitt-Mentle Educational Technology Outreach College of Education University of Maryland Cyberethics, Cybersafety, and Cybersecurity (C3): Implications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Davina Pruitt-Mentle Educational Technology Outreach College of Education University of Maryland Cyberethics, Cybersafety, and Cybersecurity (C3): Implications for the Classroom Teacher Amy Ginther Policy Development Coordinator University of Maryland

2 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 2 Maryland Teacher Technology Standards Maryland Teacher Technology Standards

3 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 3 III. Legal, Social and Ethical Issues Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, social and ethical issues related to technology use 1.Identify ethical and legal issues using technology. 2.Analyze issues related to the uses of technology in educational settings. 3.Establish classroom policies and procedures that ensure compliance with copyright law, Fair Use guidelines, security, privacy and student online protection. 4.Use classroom procedures to manage an equitable, safe and healthy environment for students. MTTS Developed from Maryland’s Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology (PT3), USDOE Catalyst Grant, May 2002. Performance assessment materials to be available for each standard on the PT3 website: Any use of these materials should credit Maryland’s PT3 Catalyst Grant P342A990201. What is your Interpretation?

4 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 4 Past Focus Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues in the Digital Environment Internet Citizenship Fair Use Checklist Safety and Security Online Safety for Kids What Do You Know?/What Have You Done?! Hoax Emails Plagiarism in the 21st Century: Paper Mills, Cybercheating, and Internet Detectives in the Electronic Age

5 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 5 Performance Assessment Outline Performance Assessment Outline

6 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 6 Case Study And Questions Case Study And Questions See Handout/Read Through

7 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 7 Answers Can be found at Maryland PT3 Performance Task site pt3/TaskIII.htm pt3/TaskIII.htm

8 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 8 Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues in the Digital Environment erethicsseminar.html erethicsseminar.html

9 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 9 Copyright Snippets: Warm-ups Place in Order Article in an Internet-only newsletter Monitor/oct00 http:// Workplace.html Videocounseling for families of rural teens with epilepsy -- Project update. Telehealth News, Glueckauf, R. L., Whitton, J., Baxter, J., Kain, J., Vogelgesang, S., Hudson, M., et al. 2(2). ewslettr4a.html1 Retrieved from (1998, July).

10 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 10 Components of URL

11 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 11 Article in an Internet-only newsletter Glueckauf, R. L., Whitton, J., Baxter, J., Kain, J., Vogelgesang, S., Hudson, M., et al. (1998, July). Videocounseling for families of rural teens with epilepsy -- Project update. Telehealth News,2(2). Retrieved from a.html1 a.html1 APA style format

12 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 12 Internet Citizenship http://www.edtechoutre sseminar.htmlhttp://www.edtechoutre sseminar.html Presentation by Karen Reuter

13 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 13 Other Netiquette Snippets: Warm-ups Take the Core Rules Netiquette Quiz – m/netiquette/corerule s.html m/netiquette/corerule s.html

14 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 14 Plagiarism Plagiarism in the 21st Century: Paper Mills, Cyber-cheating, and Internet Detectives in the Electronic Age erethicsseminar.html erethicsseminar.html

15 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 15 Plagiarism Snippets: Warm-ups See Handouts

16 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 16 C3:New Directions Cybersecurity Cybersafety Cyberethics

17 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 17 Top Ten Educator Awareness Problems Passwords Backing Ups Files Patches Anti-Virus Protection Hoaxes Attachments Outside disks Connection Modeling Equity Issues

18 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 18 UMCP Efforts Electronic Portal Workshops PT3 pre-service module (part of undergraduate course) Online 3 credit graduate course April is Cyber- Awareness Month! C3 Conference (June 17 & 18)

19 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 19 Electronic Portal Cyberethics, Cybersafety, and Cybersecurity (C3) http://www.edtechou s.htmlhttp://www.edtechou s.html

20 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 20 Workshops

21 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 21 Online 3 credit graduate course EDUC 473: Cyberethics for Educators: Ethical and Legal Implications for Classroom Technology

22 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 22 April is Cyber- Awareness Month!

23 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 23 April is Cyber- Awareness Month! See Handout

24 MICCA 2004C3:Davina Pruitt-Mentle 24 C3 Conference (June 17 & 18) See Handout

25 End slide Contact Information: Davina Pruitt-Mentle Director: Educational Technology OutreachEducational Technology Outreach University of Maryland 2127 TAWES College Park, MD 20742 (301) 405-8202 dp151@umail.umd.eduQuestions

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