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Augmented Reality in ships navigation Information support in the E-navigation way.

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Presentation on theme: "Augmented Reality in ships navigation Information support in the E-navigation way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Augmented Reality in ships navigation Information support in the E-navigation way

2 c Do we dislike humans?

3 Are we monitoring navigators?


5 c Imagine: 2 nd Officer, after doing 00-04 watch, starts work again at five am, entering port, berthing, opening hatches at seven, breakfast, receiving port state control for inspection safety equipment, a hot meal at 1130 starting watch at 12 midday until four PM, doing administration, short supper at 5:30 assisting hatch closing and unberthing at seven and able to rest a few hours after leaving port, next watch commences at 0000.

6 this is not an uncommon working day.. imagine a little further:


8 01:45 new moon, rainy night at the NorthSea, poor visibility, leaving TSS Vlieland Junction,


10 a westbound container vessels on SB side, a supplier astern some fishing vessels ahead, Collision Warning!! unexpectedly What, where...?? that takes valuable time to find out

11 Would it help if the watch officer was provided with a visual clue about the direction of the dangerous target ? Would it help if the watch officer had this clue in a head up display, showing the real outside world together with a synthetic marker on top? Thus speeding up detecting the target and start evasive action


13 Of course: The watch officer shall always be alert The WO shall always act timely and comply with the collision regulations Yet, Ships do collide Ships do run aground And more mishap appears

14 What do we need for that Position, course and speed of Own Ship Position course and speed of target an algorithm calculating relative distance and direction An algorithm to discriminate targets and generate alarm Means of presenting this in an augmented way (i.a not virtual)


16 Of course we can bring in more: Routeing information, even route suggestion Safety information, like MSI Weather information Ships' Control information Virtual binocular with the aid of a multi spectral band camera


18 Augmented Reality goggles Initial idea to create a 'cocoon' with Transparent monitors around the watch officers' chair, however availability of such monitors was lacking at least until now. instead





23 Issues to solve and research Correct for roll pitch and heave Correct for position of the watchkeeper (parallax effect) Reliability of third party information (AIS) Integrity check by means of RADAR Human factors, how does this have an effect on the watch keeper.

24 Embedding in E-navigation : ACCSEAS prototype solutions Tactical Route exchange Dynamic NoGo areas RouteTopology Modelling Resilient PNT Maritime cloud

25 thank You

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