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Collection and Treatment of waste material in Port of Koper Kristifor Pantelin Brindisi, 21.1.2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Collection and Treatment of waste material in Port of Koper Kristifor Pantelin Brindisi, 21.1.2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collection and Treatment of waste material in Port of Koper Kristifor Pantelin Brindisi, 21.1.2004

2 Geographical position of the Port of Koper

3 Type of waste: Paper Wood and woods package Metal ribbons Iron Nylon Dung Biological waste Mixed waste (garbage) Bilge water and sludge

4 Waste handlig center

5 Preparing some of the material for further tratment Grinded wood Pressed and balled nylon Pressed and balled paper

6 Composting the biological waste

7 Main features of composting facility: Capacity: 7.200 m 3 per year Quantity of composted material in 2004: –Biological waste from the port: 946 m 3 –Biological waste from the town: 3.814 m 3 –Total:4.760 m 3

8 Comparing separately collected wastes by type and through the years


10 Main aims in the year 2005 Start collecting wastes from ships Start with the tratment of bilge water

11 International and European legislation which regulates waste collecting from ships Convention MARPOL 73/78 Directive 2000/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council

12 Thank you

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