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Scheduled Vaca t ion Form Overview Copyright 2004 Schedule Tech. All Rights Reserved. Click your mouse to continue!

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Presentation on theme: "Scheduled Vaca t ion Form Overview Copyright 2004 Schedule Tech. All Rights Reserved. Click your mouse to continue!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scheduled Vaca t ion Form Overview Copyright 2004 Schedule Tech. All Rights Reserved. Click your mouse to continue!

2 Simplicity Typing is kept to a minimum. Typing is kept to a minimum. The form is easy to use – even fun. The form is easy to use – even fun.

3 Suppose An employee needs vacation for an important trip or wedding. You can enter vacation days yourself.

4 Three Clicks Clicks on just three buttons will add a vacation for the employee:

5 How do I Add a Vacation to the Schedule? Go to the Main Menu. Click on the Scheduled Vacations Form button.

6 Adding a Vacation – Step 1 The Vacation Form opens up. Click on the New Week Button. A new blank record is inserted in the vacation table.

7 Adding a Vacation – Step 2 Add a vacation from June 13 th to the 26 th. Click on the June button.

8 Adding a Vacation – Step 3 The top calendar shows the month of June.

9 Adding a Vacation – Step 4 Click on June 13 th. The dates between June 13 th and June 26 th are highlighted.

10 The Vacation Table The request is added to the Vacation Table.

11 Three Clicks Clicks on just three buttons add a vacation for the employee:

12 Adding a Vacation The form will not let you add a vacation if: The employee does not have enough days. Slots are not available.

13 Oops! Enter the wrong dates? Just click on the record. Then, click on the Delete Record button

14 Deleting a vacation If you delete a vacation, then the following are increased: Department slots. Work center slots. The employee’s remaining vacation days.

15 Is the Vacation too long? Enter the wrong dates? Just click on the record. Then, click on the Change End Date button

16 One More Step The calendar will show the vacation. Click on the NEW end date, for example the 23 rd. The vacation will be changed. You could as easily increase the length of the vacation.

17 Changing the Length of a Vacation If you decrease the length of a vacation then: Department and work center slots are added back. The employee’s remaining vacation days are increased.

18 Changing the Length of a Vacation Continued.. If you increase the length of a vacation, the following are decreased: Department slots. Work center slots. An employee’s available days.

19 Vacation Reports Button Click on the Vacation Reports button to go to the Vacation Reports Form. Vacation Reports can be printed in a variety of formats.

20 Summary Reports Click on the format needed. Click on the View/Print Summary Report button.

21 Select Report Parameters You may narrow the data to a particular company and department and work center.

22 The Report You can review the report on the screen or print it.

23 Reports Continued… Print the available slots after the latest round of scheduling.

24 Reports Continued… The Unmatched Vacation Requests Reports - Lists rejected requests - When all choices for a period/week are rejected.

25 Reports Continued… Print who will be on vacation every day of the scheduling period.

26 Reports Continued… Print scheduled vacation reports.

27 Help! Button Click the Help! Button to open the Vacation Help! Form.

28 Help! Form Buttons Help! On all the aspects of the form are available at the click of a button. Instructions on the use of the Vacation Form, its fields and buttons can be printed.

29 Vacation Help! Form You can print or view a variety of “How do I? Help Topics.”

30 Find Employee Button Its easy to find a particular employee. Just click the Find Employee button.

31 Find Employee Form Select an employee’s name from the table. Click the OK button. The Vacation form will move to the selection.

32 Change View Button Click the Change View button to open the Change View form.

33 Change View Form You can pick the way you want the employees sorted on the Vacation form.

34 Year Field The year field determines what calendars are shown. The year field determines what calendars are shown. Click the Decrease Yr or Increase Yr buttons to change the value shown. Click the Decrease Yr or Increase Yr buttons to change the value shown. The year field also shows the year of the vacation currently shown on the calendars. The year field also shows the year of the vacation currently shown on the calendars.

35 Form Layout – Month Buttons Click a month button. The top calendar changes to the month clicked. The bottom calendar changes to the following month.

36 Form Layout - Calendars The calendars have three purposes – To give a visual representation of a scheduled vacation. To allow you to add a vacation. To allow you to change the length of a vacation

37 Calendars The vacation from 2/4 – 2/10 is shown. The blue days are counted against an employee’s vacation time. The yellow days are non-vacation days.

38 The blue days - count as vacation days. The yellow days - are non-vacation days. They are not counted against an employee’s vacation days. Adding a Vacation – Points

39 Form Layout – Non-Vacation Days Table The Non Vac Dates table shows the non-vacation dates in the vacation request. Sunday the 4 th and Saturday the 10 th are non-vacation days.

40 Form Layout – Vacation Record Buttons Delete Record – Deletes the current record. Change End Date – Click on this button and then the new end date on the calendar. Reset Record – Clears the record’s begin and end date. New Wk Record – inserts a blank record. Add a NV Date – Converts a vacation day to a non-vacation day.

41 Settings Button Clicking the Settings Button takes you to the Non-Vacation Days Settings screen.

42 Settings Screen A Non-Vacation Day or Regular day off is a day such as Saturday or Sunday. Many employers do not count those days against an employee’s vacation time – even if they fall within an employee’s scheduled vacation. Any check marked items will be considered a non- vacation day when a new vacation is added using the vacation form.

43 Maximum Vacation Days Field The Max Vac Days field: Shows the maximum number of vacation days the employee may take.

44 Days Left to Schedule Field Days Left to Schedule Field: Shows the number of days the employee has left to schedule.

45 What’s Next? Purchase a copy of Vacation Scheduler™ ! Contact: Schedule Tech 1074 Bexley Avenue Marion, OH 43302-5504 (888) 865-2865 (740) 389-5009

46 To return to the Table of Contents - Press the ESC key. To replay the presentation – Press the spacebar or click the mouse.

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