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Toni Strieker, Jim Wright, Susan Stockdale Kennesaw State University October 3, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Toni Strieker, Jim Wright, Susan Stockdale Kennesaw State University October 3, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toni Strieker, Jim Wright, Susan Stockdale Kennesaw State University October 3, 2011

2  Our Journey  Program Design & Implementation  Assessment of Candidate Dispositions & Concerns -Model & Survey Development -Findings of Study -Implications & Limitations  Administrative Assessment of Faculty Concerns  Road Ahead

3 Social Studies Special Education Science

4  Co-teaching Curriculum, Focus on Concerns -Interactive Seminar -Readings & Log -Observations & Interviews -KWL Charts  Embedded in a semester long middle school methods block

5  Understanding Critical Elements of Effective Co-teaching  Planning and Preparation  Co-Delivery of Instruction  Positive Interaction and Communication  Content Competence and Differentiated Instruction  Greater Understanding of and Respect for Special Education Teachers’ Work and Expertise

6  Mixed method design to systematically examine the change in concerns regarding co-teaching with pre-service middle school candidates  Pre-post instrument to examine concerns using Preservice Teacher Concerns Questionnaire, adapted from of Stages of Concern Questionnaire (Hall, et al.)

7 Impact Task Self CBAM (Hall & Hord, p. 63) Modified by Cheung & Ng

8 35 students



11  Limitation  Reworking the instrument  What to do with “zero”  Other issues...

12  Three years ago...began with with refocusing (top level not expected in pre-service teachers  Today... information...

13  Initially faculty (limited ) driven... bottom up  Today...  National emphasis on Clinical Experiences  Renaissance Group Emphasis  P-12 School Emphasis  Special Education Recognition  All MGE faculty

14  Facilitate scholarship (research) of co- teaching  Maintain longitudinal data base  Facilitate learning and writing communities

15  Cheung, D., & Ng, D. (Su 2000). Teacher stages of concern about the target-oriented curriculum. Educational Journal, 28, (1), 109-122.  Hall, G., & Hord, S. (2001). Implementing Change: Patterns, Principles, and Potholes. Boston: Allen and Bacon.  Hall, G., George, A., & Rutherford, W. (1979). Measuring Stages of Concern about the innovation: A manual for use of the SoC Questionnaire. Austin, TX: The University of TX at Austin, Research and Development Center for Teacher Education.

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