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Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? Dear Mr and Mrs Harris, Welcome to our neighborhood. You must be excited to be in a new house. However,

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2 Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?

3 Dear Mr and Mrs Harris, Welcome to our neighborhood. You must be excited to be in a new house. However, would you mind _____________ (turn down) the music? Would you mind ___________________ (not speak loudly)? Because I have to ______ (study). And could you please ____ (ask) your son _________ (play) football on the playground? Thank you! turning down not speaking loudly study ask to play

4 What happened to them? When it happens, what would you say?

5 Read and listen the article and answer the questions 1.What annoys the girl? 2.When this happens, what does she usually do? 3.What annoys the boy? 4.When this happens, what does he usually do?

6 I don’t like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation. When that happens, I usually say, “Would you mind helping me?” And I don’t like it when shop assistants follow me around. Read the article. Underline the things that annoy people. Circle what people do when annoying things happen.

7 Then I say, “Could you please not follow me around? I’ll ask you if I need some help.” Usually the sales assistants say they are sorry, but sometimes they get mad. If that happens, I won’t go back to that store again.

8 I get annoyed when someone talks to me while I’m reading. This happens to me all the time in the school library. When it happens, I usually talk to the person because I want to be polite. But because I’m polite, people don’t know I’m annoyed. So they do the same thing again. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.

9 1. The girl doesn’t care if she waits in line. ( ) 2. When the shop assistant is having a long telephone conversation, she often waits. ( ) 3. She usually asks the shop assistant not to follow her around politely. ( ) Read it again and True or False F F F

10 4. When the shop assistant gets mad, she will never go to that store again. ( ) 5. To the boy, it is usually happens that someone talks to him while he was reading in the library. ( ) 6. He usually refuses( 拒绝 ) to talk with the person ( ) 7. Perhaps in the future, he should try not to be so polite. ( ) T F T T

11 2. annoy 【例句】 Stop annoying me. 别再烦我了。 【点拨】 用作及物动词,意为 “ 使 …… 烦恼 ” ,后面常跟人。 【拓展】 annoyed 用作形容词,只能作 表语,其主语通常是人。常构成词组 be annoyed with sb. (生某人的气)和 be annoyed at sth. (因某事而生气)。

12 6. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite. try 意为 “ 试,尝试 ” ,作动词时常用于几种 结构 : try to do sth, 指 “ 尽力去做某事 ”, 强调 竭尽全力, 不强调成功与否 ; try sth 或 try doing sth 。 分别指 “ 尝试某事物 ” 或 “ 尝试着 去做某事 ”, 都不强调尽力与否。

13 表示 “ 尽力不做某事 ” ,应该说 “try not to do sth. 如: We are going to try a new treatment. 我们打算尝试一种新的治疗方法。 He tried skiing but never liked it. 他尝试过滑雪,但是从来就不喜欢。 Could you try not to speak so fast? 你能不能尽量不要说话那么快?

14 3b Look at the pictures. Imagine you are the people in the pictures. Complete the sentences. I get annoyed when someone stands in the subway door. When this happens, I__________________________________________. I get annoyed when people cut in line. When this happens, I___________________________________________. would say,”Would you mind standing a little inside?” may say, “Could you please not cut in line?” 插队 jump the queue

15 NameplaceProblemAction Tell your classmate your annoyance. Activity 1 Tom: I get annoyed when Tom: I get annoyed when Classmates don’t return my eraser. A: What do you do ? Tom : I don’t lend it to them again. A: What annoys you in the classroom? A: What annoys you in the classroom? For example Tom In the classroom Classmates don’t return my eraser. I don’t lend it to them again.

16 mind wait follow order turn down 1. I’m trying to sleep. Could you the music, please? 2. I’m going to be a bit late. Could you ask the bus driver to for five minutes? 3. Would you closing the door? It’s cold outside. 4. I don’t know the way to the sports club. Can I _______ you? 5. Sorry, I my food half an hour ago and it hasn’t arrived yet. turn down wait mind follow ordered = has not

17 Translation 你介意打扫一下教室吗? 你能否不在课堂上说话? 你介意把音乐声关小点吗? 你介意开下窗户吗? 你介意移开你的脚吗? 抱歉,我马上去做.

18 = has not Translation 1. 请你做些家务你不介意吧? Would you mind doing the housework? 2. 好,我马上就做。 Not at all. I will do it right now. 3. 请你帮我学英语好吗? 好,开始吧。 Would you mind helping me with my English? OK,let’s begin. 4. 离开教室之前请关灯好吗 ? 当然可以. 5. 当我掉了我的钥匙我会很生气。 Could you please turn off the light before you leave the classroom? Sure. I get annoyed when I lose my keys.

19 一、选择适当的答语

20 1. Your sister’s v____ sounds sweet. 2. My parents don’t a____ me to go out on school nights. 3. The boy is very p____ to the old. 4. Don’t drop l____ everywhere. 5. Excuse me, sir! Could you stop s______ the cigarette here? I. 请根据句意及首字母提示, 用适当的单 词完成下列句子。 oice llow olite itter moking

21 1. Would you mind _____ (give) me a smaller T-shirt? 2. His friend doesn’t know he is _______ (annoy). 3. The Greens must be excited _______ (move) into a new house. II. 请用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成 下列句子。 giving annoyed to move

22 4. It’s better to ____ (keep) your voice down in the library. 5. Could you please ____ (pick) up the pen on the ground? keep pick

23 1. 请不要到处跟着我。 (follow... around) ___________________________ 2. 每个人都应该排队等候。 (wait in line) __________________________ Ⅲ. 请根据括号中的英文提示翻译下列汉语句子。 Please don’t follow me around. Everyone should wait in line. 3. 你们知道去汽车站的路吗 ? (the way to) ________________________________ 4. 老师叫我们不要在街上玩。 (ask sb. not to do sth.) _________________________________ Do you know the way to the bus stop? Teachers ask us not to play on the street.


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