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Due DateWhat is dueHow to submit?Special Notes 7 OctoberCriteria ChartEmail* chart in the body of the email, no attachments, no links 9 October4 CollegesSurvey.

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2 Due DateWhat is dueHow to submit?Special Notes 7 OctoberCriteria ChartEmail* chart in the body of the email, no attachments, no links 9 October4 CollegesSurvey Monkey Survey*look in your email for it 9 October4 CollegesNaviance* See me if you don't know your Naviance info 11 OctoberEntrance RequirementsEmail* chart in the body of the email, no attachments, no links 12 October Research findings for one college Save in google docs to access in class 18 OctoberCompleted Final ProjectNaviance* Journal attachment (in about me section) 18 OctoberCompleted Final* Name of assignment – final college project 19 OctoberCompleted Final ProjectPaper copy Due at the beginning of class *all electronic submissions are due by 11:59pm

3  Major  Distance from home  Total cost (tuition, room and board)  Campus setting (urban, rural, suburban)  Number of undergraduates  Six year graduation rate  Weather  College sports division  Extracurricular options  Male/female ratio  Student/teacher ratio  Study abroad option  Academic Reputation  Greek life  Diversity  Returning Freshmen

4  This is a major summative task  Small parts and one final project  Three MYP categories will be graded  Task specific rubric to be provided in email.  Follow all of the directions carefully

5 Deadlines and Format: Priorities with the criteria. Deadline: Tuesday, Oct 7 by 11:59pm,. Emailed as chart within the body of the email. No attachments, no links Subject line: 1 criteria chart 2 criteria chart 5 criteria chart 6 criteria chart

6 PrioritiesCriteria 1. MajorForensic Science 2. Cost (Tuition, Room/Board) Under $35,000/year 3. Academic Reputation Within the top 100 - US News and World Report Colleges 4. DiversityAt least 25% minorities 5. Distance from homeWithin 500 miles 6. SettingSuburban 7. Number of Undergraduates10,000 – 20,000 8. Greek LifeMust have at least 10 sororities 9. Weather Average daytime high in January no colder than 50 degrees 10. Returning freshmenAt least 90% of freshmen return

7  Must be measurable  Must be researchable  Must have qualifiers (ex. No more than or at least or between)

8 Final project due: 19 October 15. Final project is a major task

9  This is a major summative task  Small parts and one final project  Three MYP categories will be graded  Task specific rubric to be provided by Wednesday.

10  Google it or ask a friend.  How to make a table in word.  How to copy a table from word into email.

11 1. Create criteria for each priority. (Part 1) Example: Major – Forensic Science Size – Less than 10,000 Total Cost – Under $25,000

12 2. Pick four colleges that interest you. (Part 3, survey) 3. Research each school. 4.Chart your findings. (see final project example) 5.Find out the entrance requirements for each college. (SAT, GPA) (see final project example)

13 6. 1 st Paragraph that explains which college is the best fit based on how well it meets your criteria. See rubric. 7. 2 nd paragraph – What is your plan to meet the entrance requirements to get into the school of your choice. See rubric.

14  Start with for most of your data  Use US News and World Report for the college rankings.  Use US News and World Report if you can’t find data on  Use college’s website if you can’t find it on either of the above sites.  Call or email the college if you can’t find it through any of the above

15 4 colleges 1. Deadline: Thursday, 9 Oct by 11:59pm. Complete survey (will be sent to you) 2. Put the four colleges in Naviance. (this is a separate assignment) (See me if you need help with Naviance)

16 Howard University University of Delaware University of Maryland University of North Carolina SAT10001250 1300 GPA3. College Project - Part 3 Emailed by Monday, 12 October at 11:59 Subject Line: 1 Entrance Requirements 2 Entrance Requirements 5 Entrance Requirements 6 Entrance Requirements

17  Go to  Click on college tools.  Click on college search.  Enter your school’s name in the search box.  Click Search.  Click on your school.  Click on Accepted.  Use the GPA given.  To calculate the SAT Score out of 1600: multiply the score given by.67.  Example: SAT score given is 1901. To calculate the SAT score out of 1600: 1901 x.67 = 1273.67 Round to the nearest whole number which makes the SAT score 1274.

18 Priorities Brown University Providence, RI 1. MajorMusic, general 2. Extra-Curricular OptionsMarching band 3. Total Cost$62,694 4. Distance Away372 miles 5. SettingUrban 6. Diversity34% 7. Returning freshman97% 8. Academic Reputation16 9. Number of students6,455 10. Male/Female Ratio51% Female

19 Deadlines and Format: Deadline: Monday, 19 October at the beginning of class. 1. A paper copy must be turned in at the beginning of class on this date. The assignment will not be graded if no paper copy is submitted. You will get no credit if you do not submit a paper copy.

20 Deadlines and Format: Deadline: Sunday, 18 October by 11:59pm. 2. Submitted on Assignment name on final college project

21 Deadlines and Format: Deadline: Sunday, 18 October by 11:59pm. 3. The final project must be attached as a journal entry in Naviance. Subject line of the journal entry: Freshman college project

22 Deadlines and Format: 1.Each smaller part that is due will count as a formative assignment. 2.The final project will be graded using three criteria of the MYP rubric. See task specific rubric.

23 Paragraph that states which college is the best fit for you based on your findings. Use your criteria and your research findings to back up your decision. Second paragraph – What do you need to do to meet the entrance requirements for the school of your choice. See rubric, email and template for details on these two paragraphs.

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