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Software Licensing Lauren Kennington CSCI 101 Tues 3:30 Extra Credit #5.

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1 Software Licensing Lauren Kennington CSCI 101 Tues 3:30 Extra Credit #5

2 Software Licensing: A software license comprises the permissions, rights and restrictions imposed on software (whether a component or a free-standing program).

3  Under a software license, the licensee is permitted to use the licensed software in compliance with the specific terms of the license. If there is a breach of the license, depending on the license it may result in termination of the license, and potentially the right of the owner to sue.  Use of software without a license could constitute infringement of the owner's exclusive rights under copyrighter, occasionally, patent law and allow the owner to sue the infringer. Licensing:

4 Licensing  A software vendor may offer a software license unilaterally (without giving the licensee the opportunity to negotiate for more favorable terms) such as in a shrink wrap contract, or even as part of a software license agreement with another party. Virtually all mass produced proprietary software is sold under some form or fashion of software license agreement. One off, or custom software is often licensed under terms of which are specifically negotiated between the licensee and licensor.

5 Site License: A license to use software within a facility. It provides authorization to install the software on all or some number of servers for a specified number of users at specified locations as well as make copies of the software for distribution within that jurisdiction.

6 Piracy  installing software in a network or on a computer without a license  installing software on more computers than specified in the license  copying programs illegally (without producer's permission)  downloading programs illegally from the Internet distributing illegal copies of software  using or storing illegal software

7 Piracy Around the World  Copyright infringement of software is extremely common in the United States, Mexico, China, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, Zimbabwe and several other parts of the world. Most countries have copyright laws which apply to software, but they are better enforced in some countries than others.  Since a dispute over WTO membership between Iran and USA, has led to the legalization in Iran of the distribution of software without the permission of any copyright holder.  The rate of copyright infringement of software in the Asia-Pacific region has been estimated at 53% for 2004, and over 90% in regions such as Vietnam

8 Copyrights:  Copyright is the ownership of an intellectual property within the limits prescribed by a particular nation's or international law.  In the United States, for example, the copyright law provides that the owner of a property has the exclusive right to print, distribute, and copy the work, and permission must be obtained by anyone else to reuse the work in these ways.  Copyright is provided automatically to the author of any original work covered by the law as soon as the work is created. The author does not have to formally register the work, although registration makes the copyright more visible

9 Pilferage: The act of stealing small amounts or small articles

10 Easel case for software having anti-pilferage means  A software storage case comprises a cover and a base which are pivotal with respect to one another to form an easel for supporting documentation. The cover includes a first section for storing flexible magnetic discs and the documentation, while the base includes structure for locating and storing cassettes. The cover and the base both include anti- pilferage devices for the flexible magnetic discs and the cartridges.

11 DVD Jon  Jon Lech Johansen (born November 18, 1983 in Harstad, Norway), also known as DVD Jon, is a Norwegian (his father is Norwegian and mother is Polish) who is famous for his work on reverse engineering data formats.  He is most famous for his involvement in the release of the DeCSS software, which decodes the content- scrambling system used for DVD licensing enforcement.  Jon is a self-trained software engineer, who quit high school at the first year to spend more time with the DeCSS case.  He moved to the United States and worked as a software engineer in October 2005 until November 2006, and has now moved back to Norway.

12  After Johansen released DeCSS, he was prosecuted in Norway for computer hacking in 2002.  The prosecution was conducted by Økokrim, a Norwegian crime unit investigating and prosecuting economic crime, after a complaint by the US DVD Copy Control Association (DVD- CCA) and the Motion Picture Association (MPA). Johansen has denied writing the decryption code in DeCSS, saying that this part of the project originated from someone in Germany. His defense was assisted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The trial opened in the Oslo district court (Oslo tingrett) on December 9, 2002 with Johansen pleading not guilty to charges that had a maximum penalty of two years in prison or large fines. The Trial

13  The defense argued that no illegal access was obtained to anyone else's information, since Johansen owned the DVDs himself. They also argued that it is legal under Norwegian law to make copies of such data for personal use. The verdict was announced on January 7, 2003, acquitting Johansen of all charges.  This being the verdict of the district court, two further levels of appeals were available to the prosecutors, to the appeals court and then to the Supreme Court. Økokrim filed an appeal on January 20, 2003 and it was reported on February 28 that the appeals court had agreed to hear the case.  Johansen's second DeCSS trial began in Oslo on December 2, 2003, and resulted in an acquittal on December 22, 2003. Økokrim announced on January 5, 2004 that it would not appeal the case to the Supreme Court.

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