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CCSM Tutorial CCSM Software Engineering Group June 28 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "CCSM Tutorial CCSM Software Engineering Group June 28 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCSM Tutorial CCSM Software Engineering Group June 28 2002

2 Welcome Logistics Why are we here today? –Teach you how to run CCSM2 –Introduce CSEG members to you –Build the CCSM community –Get feedback from you on future directions What this workshop is What this workshop is not

3 CCSM Software Engineering Group Tony CraigCSEG Manager Lawrence BujaQA Lead Brian KauffmanCPL Liaison _____?_____ATM Liaison Nancy NortonOCN Liaison Mariana VertensteinLND Liaison Julie SchrammICE Liaison Erik KluzekESMF Liaison Wei YuTesting Dan Miner Infrastructure

4 CCSM Support Christine Shields Paleoclimate Mark StevensAtmosphere Sylvia MurphyCCSM SN

5 Review survey results What do you expect to get out of the tutorial? Have you ever used a climate model before? If so, what is your level of experience? What model configurations and science experiments are you most interested in running? On which platforms and where will you run the model? Are there any suggestions that you would like to make about the content of the tutorial?

6 What do you expect from the tutorial? How to download, setup and run CCSM: General understanding the structure of the model and basic configuration. How to modify CCSM, How to post process CGCM runs.

7 2. Climate Modeling Experience? –Novice: 5 I am in the beginning level. my experience is close by zero! –Some Experience: 10 Not high, MOM GFDL I have experience with running GENESIS –Very Experienced: 7 Yes. I have ever used and modified CSM1.2. 10-years experience running AGCMs, OGCMs, and coupled AO GCMs. My level of experience with climate models is fairly advanced.

8 3. configurations/science experiments –Standard Coupled runs 15 Present-day and future climate changes. Interactions between climate and carbon cycle. TOGA, GOGA -alike coupled experiments decadal simulations of the CCSM Processes relevant to ENSO and the Asian monsoons. high resolutions tropical oceans(finer than 1 degree) to resolve ocean waves. time of response for forcings in the atmosphere. calculating direct and indirect effects due to the aerosols

9 3. configurations/science experiments –Standalone models 10 Ocean-sea ice configurations. OGCM alone and AGCM alone experiments AGCM coupled to a MLO with heat flux adjustments. Land use/land cover change CAM/CLM2 and CCSM2. vegetation and low atmosphere interactions. CLM climatic biogenic hydrocarbon and CO emissions –Paleo: 5 paleoclimate models and rapid climate change. Palaeo version and carbon cycle simulations changed continental configuration (aquaplanet).

10 4. platforms I will run the models on DEC, SGI, and IBM-SP. Swiss Scientific Computing Center, Manno, IBM IBM at NCAR/ORNL, Origin at NCAR/LLNL. Linux (if possible) at ANL. IBM and SGI. Georgia Tech. Origin 2000, 2400, 3400, and IBM SP in Georgia Unix, SGI Origin 2000/3000, the last half of this year Unix platform, SGI Origin 3000. SGI. : University of Oslo, PNNL Compaq Alphaserver ES40 with 4 processors. The University of Toronto CRAY (NEC) SX-6. IBM Regetta (Power4)

11 5. suggestions Running separate parts of the model system Guidelines on adding/changing code Response simulations, necessary timeframes? Review of climate modeling software, different approaches, parallelization, coding efficiency software engineer questions toward to the computer and software can be answered. please include info on how to run the model elsewhere.

12 Tutorial schedule 9:00 Opening/Introduction of CSEG 9:15 Overview of the CCSM system 9:30 The Quick Start Guide 10:00 The CCSM2.0 scripts 10:30 Break 10:45 Building CCSM2.0 11:30 Running CCSM2.0 12:30 Lunch 1:30 Changing the CCSM: 4 examples: 2:30 Data Processing: 3:00 Open Discussion

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