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GXL Progress Report Susan Elliott Sim on behalf of Andreas Winter, Ric Holt, and Andy Schürr and the GXL Mailing List.

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Presentation on theme: "GXL Progress Report Susan Elliott Sim on behalf of Andreas Winter, Ric Holt, and Andy Schürr and the GXL Mailing List."— Presentation transcript:

1 GXL Progress Report Susan Elliott Sim on behalf of Andreas Winter, Ric Holt, and Andy Schürr and the GXL Mailing List

2 WCRE2001October 3, 2001 Overview GXL Concepts Standards Activities Partners Schemas Tools

3 WCRE2001October 3, 2001 Key Concepts of GXL An XML sub-language for exchanging graphs Underlying data model is a typed, attributed graph –Analogous to databases using tables as underlying data representation Schema and instance data are represented separately –Analogous to distinction in databases Schema and instance data use a uniform representation

4 WCRE2001October 3, 2001 GXL 1.0 Released February 14, 2001 Ratified by reengineering community at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, January 26, 2001 Ratified by graph transformation community at APPLIGRAPH Subgroup Meeting, Bremen, March 1-2, 2001 In discussions with graph drawing community

5 WCRE2001October 3, 2001 Standards Activities Cited in XML OASIS Cover Pages and’s XML Standards Report Plan to become an IEEE Software Engineering Standard In discussions with IBM and Daimler- Chrysler on usage and representation to OMG

6 WCRE2001October 3, 2001 GXL Partners Over 35 researchers in 9 countries –Germany, Canada, USA, UK, Hungary, Finland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Brazil 62 subscribers on mailing list –47 full text, 16 digest only Being used in undergraduate software engineering course, U of Toronto

7 WCRE2001October 3, 2001 Converters GXL reader/writer for Bauhaus Resource Graphs, U Stuttgart GXL2RPA, RPA2GXL, Philips, Eindhoven GXL2G, G2GXL, U Koblenz GXL2Progres, Progres2GXL, U Aachen GXL2Prolog, Nokia GXL2RSF, RSF2GXL, U Victoria, Nokia GXL2TA, TA2GXL, U Waterloo GXL2XMI, U BW Munchen GXL Converter Framework, U BW Munchen

8 WCRE2001October 3, 2001 Tools and Applications Χ-check, Χ-table (model checking using multi-valued logic) U Toronto CPPX (C++ AST Extractor), U Waterloo Columbus/CAN (C++ Extractor and Analyzer), U Szeged ECW (Edinburgh Concurrency Workbench), U Edinburgh Fujaba (Roundtrip Engineering for UML diagrams) U Paderborn GenSet (simple graph transformations), U Oregon GRAS (Graph Data Base) U Aachen GXLQuery, U Koblenz GXLSchemaChecker, U Koblenz GXLSchemaEditor, U BW München lsedit, U Waterloo Royere (graph visualization), CWI Amsterdam TkSee/SN (fact extractor), U Ottawa UPGRADE (visual languages), RWTH Aachen Venice (UML visualization), Nokia yFiles (graph visualization), U Tübingen Tools mailto:

9 WCRE2001October 3, 2001 Standard Schemas C++ Standard Schema –Ferenc, Gyimothy, Holt, Koschke, Sim, Winter, Riediger, Kullbach Dagstuhl Middle Level Model –Lethbridge, Tichelaar et al. Data Reverse Engineering Reference- Schema (DRE) –Jahnke, Mylopoulos, Wadsack, Hainault, Henrard Architectural Level?

10 WCRE2001October 3, 2001 Summary Lots of progress since last WCRE Starting to realize the benefits of tool interoperability Currently in “usage and feedback phase” More information – Comments, tool updates, change requests –

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