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 Students explore content such as higher- order polynomial functions, trigonometry, inequalities, logarithms, conic sections, probability and statistics,

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3  Students explore content such as higher- order polynomial functions, trigonometry, inequalities, logarithms, conic sections, probability and statistics, and sequences and series.

4  DHS Website DHS Website  Infinite Campus Infinite Campus  Standards Based Grading Approach  Course Materials  Getting Help: Contact me, The ARC, Study Hub  Have regular conversations about progress  Refer to assignment sheets/Check IC  Encourage student to contact me/Contact me

5  Standards Based grading measures your student’s mastery of the essential standards and targets for a class, or how well your student understands the material in class.

6  Provide more accurate/detailed feedback  Build a model that values improvement  Assign grades that represent a student’s level of mastery of the material covered in class

7  Feedback is given based on mastery of each learning standard, not by unit  Grades are reported on a 4-point scale, rather than the traditional 100 point scale  Students are allowed (and encouraged) to reassess learning standards that are not mastered on the initial summative assessment  A student’s grade is based 100% on mastery of learning standards › Quarter grades will be calculated using a rubric based on a student’s mastery of each learning standard

8  4: Mastered Student has completely mastered the learning standard.  3: Approaching Student is approaching mastery of the learning standard.  2: Progressing Student is progressing toward basic understanding of grade level concepts and skills with assistance.  1: Emerging Student shows an emerging awareness of concepts and skills but still needs to develop an understanding of key components of the standard.  I: Incomplete Student has not yet shown enough understanding to demonstrate any level of mastery.




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