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1 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010 TTN – WP2 Agenda Participants : Hartmut Hillemanns (CERN), Gabriel Clerc (EPFL), Marcel Soberman (CNRS/IN2P3),

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1 1 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010 TTN – WP2 Agenda Participants : Hartmut Hillemanns (CERN), Gabriel Clerc (EPFL), Marcel Soberman (CNRS/IN2P3), Nadja Häbe (DESY), Robert Rudolph (PSI) and Sylviane Zaninotti (CEA) 1- Reminder (Tasks schedule) 2- Outcome of the WP2/WP4 meeting of May 19-20 at GSI 3- Progress report (work done since December 2009) 4- Work plan for the next 3 months Website launch in September

2 2 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010 TTN – WP2 Reminder (Tasks schedule)  C ompletion of Task 1 (conceptual study)  Completion of Task 2 (specifications)  Completion of Task 3 (Website 1st release)  Completion of Task 4 (Website test/validation) Completed on Dec. 2008 Completed on March 2009 Completed on Sept. 2009 Completed on Dec. 2009 To be done on September 2010 Begin filling the database with TT offers Improve the Website (design&functions)  Task 5 (going public) Continue populating the Website with offers Continue improving the Website Find a Website Name/Tag line Reserve a Domain name Find a Web hosting provider Completed on June 2010

3 3 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010 TTN – WP2 WP2/WP4 meeting of May 19-20 at GSI Outcome of the meeting Message to be brought by our Website :  benefit for industry to have easy access to our technologies  benefit for industry to have possibilities to use « leading edge technologies » for improvement of existing products and development of new products  benefit for the scientific community to gain visibility  benefit for the scientific community to have the possibility to work together with TT offices in order to obtain an easier access to industry Participants agreed that we would need :  A communication expert for the improvement of the quality/wording/graphics of the Website  A maintenance manager to keep the Website alive NTUA (Greece) will look for an engineer to perform this task Participants agreed to propose :  A Name/Tag line, a domain name, potential targets to advertise the Website

4 4 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010 TTN – WP2 Progress report (dec 2009  June 2010) Completion of Task 4 (Website test/validation) Continue populating the database with « individuals » TT offers Status of TT offers (see table) Continue improving the Website Find a Website Name/Tag line HEPTech « Leading HEP technologies for industry » Reserve a Domain name Find a Web hosting provider CEA provides for the hosting Webmaster : Hartmut Hillemanns

5 5 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010  External consultancy/support provided by a communication&design agency  Support from a graphics expert at CERN  Discussion with KTT communication expert  Engineer from NTUA to act as a content manager (?) TTN – WP2 Work plan (June 2010  september 2010) Task 5 (going public) Build the brand with graphical design and content Layout & tailored editorial content for end users Graphic charter & logo

6 6 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010 TTN – WP2 Work plan (June 2010  september 2010) Continue populating the database  Individual technology offers  Services  Successful stories  Jointlyt owned technologies J.M. Le Goff reported that CERN's DG « … a particular focus on jointly owned technologies should be included to illustrate the pertinence of the TT Network » See status table Propositions of jointly owned technologies :(Meeting at GSI) Neg (CERN&GSI on an equal footing) Power supply for accelerator magnet on capacitive storage (CERN has the lead, EPFL) Sub-micronic and nanometric material for isotope beam production (EPFL has the lead, CERN) Method for production of radioisotope preparations and their use in life sciences, research, medical application and industry (CERN has the lead, PSI) Burning plasma diagnostic (CEA, INFN) Micromegas (CEA has the lead, CERN)

7 7 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010 TTN – WP2 Work plan (June 2010  september 2010) Individual Technology offers Service offers Success stories Joint technology offers STFC DESY 1 GSI 7 EPFL PSI CERN 6 CHALMERS CEA JSI LIP NTUA IN2P3 9 1 INFN SOFIA

8 8 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010 TTN – WP2 Work plan (June 2010  september 2010) What about R&D opportunities ? Are we looking to find companies that :  need « manufacturing licensing » ?  want to exploit (one of) our technologies for a commercial application ? …

9 9 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010 TTN – WP2 Work plan (June 2010  september 2010) When the Website is launched, we intend :  to ask the nodes to inform their tenders on the existence of the TTN;  to add the Website URL to some potential targets : -http://valorisation.in2p3.fr - -http://www.eban.org -http://www.astp.net -http://www.sciencebusiness.net -http://eit.europa.eu -http://www.les-europe.org - etc. Advertise the Website

10 10 TT Network meeting, Geneva, June 10-11 2010 coming soon on Internet

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