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Ozone Pollution Part 2 By Yogita Singh, Pandy Wadsworth, Jhana Valentine, Penelope Makeig and Paavani Kar.

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Presentation on theme: "Ozone Pollution Part 2 By Yogita Singh, Pandy Wadsworth, Jhana Valentine, Penelope Makeig and Paavani Kar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ozone Pollution Part 2 By Yogita Singh, Pandy Wadsworth, Jhana Valentine, Penelope Makeig and Paavani Kar.

2 Results ● Our results showed high levels of ozone around many public places in Fairfield. Even around our courtyard, our results showed around 125ppb (parts per billion) which is considered unhealthy for children and older adults by EPA standards.


4 Solution Plant Trees: ● Sycamore Maple, Aleppo Pine and Ash tree. etc. ● A study in Chicago estimated that trees annually removed 15 metric tons of carbon monoxide, 84 tons of sulfur dioxide, 89 tons of nitrogen dioxide, 191 tons of ozone, and 212 tons of small particulates. The estimated value of this pollution removal was $1 million for trees in the city itself and $9.2 million for the entire Chicago area. Reduce Car Emissions: ● Conserve energy-home at work, everywhere. Turn off lights you are not using. ● Carpool or use public transportation. ● Combine errands to reduce vehicle trips. ● When refueling: Stop when the pump shuts off. Putting more fuel in is bad for the environment and can damage your vehicle. Avoid spilling fuel. Always tighten your gas cap secure. Increase Awareness: ● Educating friends, family and community about ozone hazards. ● Recycling appliances using freon ● Recycling paper, cardboard and plastic

5 In Conclusion ● Fairfield has high ground-level ozone around schools, parks and community parking areas. ● We can reduce the ozone levels by modifying our routine through little changes which can benefiting to the whole community and environment. ● Provide town awareness programs through schools and community events. ● Fund raise for planting trees through community efforts and awareness, such as, making notebooks made of recycled paper and cardboard.

6 For Further Information: ● Iowa/US ozone standards: ● ● Ozone educational programs: ● ● Ozone quality guide and Information: ● ● List of Ozone-forming Potential Trees and Shrubs: ●

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