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TCAP Testing Tips…. T T hink of the test as a game you want to win C C oncentrate on the question A A im for perfection P P erform to the best of your.

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Presentation on theme: "TCAP Testing Tips…. T T hink of the test as a game you want to win C C oncentrate on the question A A im for perfection P P erform to the best of your."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCAP Testing Tips…

2 T T hink of the test as a game you want to win C C oncentrate on the question A A im for perfection P P erform to the best of your ability

3 WORKSHOP GOALS: 1.To inform parents of strategies to help prepare their student for the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) Achievement Test 2. To increase parent awareness of test anxiety

4 TEST DATES: Testing Window March 4 th -22 nd

5 TCAP GENERAL INFO: Students in Grades 3-8 take the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) Achievement Test each spring. The Achievement Test is a timed, multiple choice assessment that measures skills in Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Student results are reported to parents, teachers and administrators.

6 BEFORE THE TEST: Provide an opportunity for lots of rest the night before the test. Sleep, Sleep, & Sleep = A Healthy Brain Have a set bedtime and wake-time

7 BEFORE THE TEST: Provide a healthy breakfast and send a healthy snack to school. Brain research shows… » Less sugar and higher fiber is best » Protein = long term energy

8 Healthy Food Ideas:

9 BEFORE THE TEST: Provide Encouragement! Encourage your child to work hard The test is only one measure of academic performance

10 DURING THE TEST: Make sure your child is on time and at school every day of the testing window. If your child has a fever and vomiting please notify the school of their illness and discuss make up dates. DO NOT schedule doctors’ appointments during the test date window.

11 DURING THE TEST: Try not to Panic! Remind your child not to be scared Remind your child not to get frustrated Remind them relaxed = better performance

12 DURING THE TEST: Top Performers… Read the test directions Read each question carefully Fill in the bubbles completely Read every possible answer Reread when necessary

13 DURING THE TEST: Relax – Don’t Rush! Pace to finish but not to hurry Rushing increases mistakes Skip difficult questions Don’t spend too much time on one question Use any remaining time to check your answers

14 AFTER THE TEST: Blow off some steam –Your child has been sitting most of the day –They will need to let out a little energy

15 AFTER THE TEST: CELEBRATE ! Do something to celebrate your student’s hard work and effort

16 TEST ANXIETY: A certain degree of test anxiety is normal and may help student’s prepare and work more effectively and remain focused during testing. –Share and discuss feelings of anxiety –Talk about the test in a positive way –Have realistic expectations –Encourage his/her best efforts

17 BIBLIOGRAPHY: - Frequently Asked - General Test Taking - How to Help Your Child Do His/Her Personal - General Dietary Guidelines by Debra Burke: Ideas For

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