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Open Form Composition excitement of improvisation power of (prepared) choreography.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Form Composition excitement of improvisation power of (prepared) choreography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Form Composition excitement of improvisation power of (prepared) choreography

2 1. “through-composed” choreography (bound flow): - result is pre-defined in close detail - piece is successful, if the pre- defined result happens well…

3 2. stream of events (free flow...) begin end… completely in the moment… (no distraction)

4 3. Open Form Composition: - some parts are pre-defined in close detail - other parts are more open. - performers can / must make choices in the moment

5 choice can happen live: pre-defined

6 changed flow (chaotic attractor) in this example: 3 influencing elements change the flow of an event…

7 examples of Open Form Composition: Jazz music: - arrangement is before performance, - improvisation happens live during the performance, based on the arrangement

8 Indian classical music: “Raga” (mood) scale is pre-set, also rules for sequences of tones BUT within these rules the performer must improvise, like in a conversation …

9 groping... … and reaching recognition - feedback result of communication... contact eXchange dialogue sender receiver filling up the created structure with more content 4. conversation:

10 examples for completely set (closed form-) composition: poetry / literature (written on paper: effect on reader? …) many examples of architecture (stream of people using architecture?...)

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