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Early College and Dual Enrollment: A View from Higher Education Leadership Dr. John C. Cavanaugh, President & CEO Consortium of Universities of the Washington.

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Presentation on theme: "Early College and Dual Enrollment: A View from Higher Education Leadership Dr. John C. Cavanaugh, President & CEO Consortium of Universities of the Washington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early College and Dual Enrollment: A View from Higher Education Leadership Dr. John C. Cavanaugh, President & CEO Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area OSSE Postsecondary Conference January 10, 2014 Newseum, Washington, DC

2 Background Principles Fundamental principle: It’s About the Learning Or at least it should be Students should be allowed to be in the most academically challenging environment in which they can succeed Need to move beyond bright lines between secondary and postsecondary Need to articulate clear learning outcomes

3 Early College Approach General notion is that if a student can succeed in a college course, they should be enrolled even if they have not yet completed secondary education Secondary student enrollment on an ad hoc basis has long history Learning outcomes may accrue to postsecondary record, depending on situation

4 Dual Enrollment Approach Given basis in student learning, assignment of “credit” becomes a match between the learning and the level that learning has been assigned If learning clearly demonstrated at a higher level, then “back transfer” of that learning should be automatic— accrual of learning outcomes occurs at both levels That forms basis for “dual enrollment”

5 Moving Forward No right or best administrative model Lack of options penalizes students Steps forward MUST start with well defined learning outcomes and competencies at secondary and postsecondary levels

6 Thank You!

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