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S ocial M aximal Effort A ffordable L imited L ife Changing How to Build Your SMALL GROUP TRAINING Program.

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Presentation on theme: "S ocial M aximal Effort A ffordable L imited L ife Changing How to Build Your SMALL GROUP TRAINING Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 S ocial M aximal Effort A ffordable L imited L ife Changing How to Build Your SMALL GROUP TRAINING Program

2 Getting Started… Decide which modes of the small group training program dynamic you would like to implement Decide if your facility will be charging a fee for participation Develop the program and identify your facility’s specific needs Format your sessions and begin minor advertising

3 Advertising Find the demographic of members you are appealing to Important to put out the vibe around the facility that “BIG THINGS ARE HAPPENING” Make sure members are aware of this program that is coming, leaving them excited and suspenseful for what is to come Use signage and announcements to put feelers out for who would be interested in kicking off the program Social Media outlets

4 Set Up Decide how your sessions/packages will look like – 6 Weeks 2x week – Cost - $60.00 – Had to reach our demographic of students – Offer a variety of times that will meet the needs of your participants Survey to inquire about timeslots

5 Coaches What is a Coach? – A certified Coach is a hybrid between a certified group fitness and certified personal trainer Why “Coaches” and not Group Fitness Instructors or Personal Trainers – Small Group Training needs to stand apart from Group Fitness and Personal Training – Small Group Training provides a different style of instruction than does Group Fitness

6 Previews Advertise “preview classes” or “preview weeks” where members can come to check out what the small group training atmosphere consists of Have your small group coaches briefed and ready to answer all questions and to provide the utmost customer service for their small group training session Try to hold the sessions in public or easy to see spots around your facility so that those who are not willing to participate can see what the program consists of and create curiosity

7 Set up incentives Set up reasons WHY members should sign up for the program the first round… – Chance to win Fitbits – Shirts (Desirable tank tops with slogan) – Discounted prices Early registration Group Sign ups

8 Have a deadline Have a deadline for when participants can sign up for the program and officially cut it off after the deadline has passed Make those that have signed up feel very welcomed but also like VIP’s – More “Upscale” Small Group Training schedule – Emails – Welcome Packets – Ways to make the program a vamped life change (21 day eating challenge, offer to set participants up with a nutritionist)

9 Pre/Post-Assessments Hold pre/post-assessments appropriate for your sessions to draw attention to just HOW much each participant improves over your set session time – Vertical Leap, Beep Test, Push-ups, Waist Circumference Drastic improvements in these areas are incentives for others to sign up during the next round of your offered sessions

10 Social Create a team feel and encourage participants to bond and make connections with each other Connect with participants on a more personal level Invite participants to socialize with team members outside of sessions and to hold each other accountable for healthy lifestyles

11 Max Potential Make clear to participants that they are too push themselves to their max at every workout The Small Group Training is the tool to get participants to where they want to be but they have to push themselves to get there

12 Affordable Prices should be appealing because they are so affordable for members Not personal training prices but should be a step up from group fitness prices Charging participants is key in establishing that this is a serious commitment and step up in their fitness routine

13 Limited Space Space in each session should be limited – In order to make sessions more desirable – In order to make participants feel special – Minimum 4 participants, 10 Maximum Coaching staff should be your best of the best – Social and extroverted leaders

14 Life Changing Motivate your participants to make this a lifestyle change Set goals both individually with participants AND as a team Jump start their passion for fitness and wellness on a more personal level Leave them energized and wanting to improve all aspects of themselves

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