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Children from an orphanage in Marysin, Poland wait in line to board a truck which will take them to the Chelmno concentration camp where they will be killed.

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Presentation on theme: "Children from an orphanage in Marysin, Poland wait in line to board a truck which will take them to the Chelmno concentration camp where they will be killed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children from an orphanage in Marysin, Poland wait in line to board a truck which will take them to the Chelmno concentration camp where they will be killed.

2 In March, 1942, Jews are deported to the Belzec death camp.

3 Dutch Jews are marched to the Amersfoot internment camp under heavy guard, 1942.

4 Dutch Jews, seized in their homes, are brought by truck to be deported to Westerbork, 1943.

5 An elderly Jewish couple on their way from Hooghalen to the Westerbork transit camp.

6 A young mother and her two children sit among a large group of Jews who have been assembled for mass execution.

7 Two Jewish pupils are humiliated before their classmates. The inscription on the blackboard reads : "The Jew is our greatest enemy! Beware of the Jew!".

8 A synagogue burns in Siegen, Germany, on November 10, 1938 (Kristallnacht, November 9/10).

9 The inscription on the railway car reads : "We are going to Poland to strike at the Jews". On the left, an antisemitic drawing of a Jew.

10 German soldiers brutalizing a Jew in Poland.

11 German soldiers cutting the beard of an elderly Jew in Poland.

12 When Jews of the Warsaw ghetto learned the truth about the "resettlement" action, some of them rebelled. The Nazis responded by shelling and bombing the ghetto, till all the occupants died or surrendered.

13 Children subjected to medical experiments in Auschwitz.

14 High-altitude medical experiments. In order to test how pilots who have to eject from their planes will fare, SS doctors simulated high-altitude conditions in a chamber, and exposed people to these conditions.

15 Scenes of horror at Nazi concentration camps, where people were subjected to medical experiments.

16 Nazi medical experiments : a prisoner is submerged in a tank filled with cold water. Different types of clothing were tested, as well as different methods for reviving the experimental subjects who survived.

17 The furnaces of Krema II in Auschwitz.

18 The gas chambers of Krema IV in Auschwitz. These gas chambers were above ground.

19 Bones of anti-Nazi German women are visible in the crematoria in the concentration camp

20 A mass execution of Jews in Nazi occupied Soviet Union. Naked Jews, including a young boy, just before their murder.

21 Prisoners from Buchenwald awaiting execution in the forest near the camp

22 A mass execution of Jews in Nazi occupied Ukraine. Man is about to be shot

23 These "burning pits" were used mainly when the extermination was going at such a rate that the furnaces couldn't handle the number of corpses.

24 A scene of horror at the extermination camp of Maidanek

25 A mass grave in the Belsen camp.

26 A mass execution of Jews in Nazi occupied Soviet Union.

27 A mass execution of Jews in Nazi occupied Soviet Union. The SS man is firing at a Jewish woman who is wounded and trying to get up.

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