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FAO Plant Protection Activities in the Near East Region Regional Workshop on “Strengthening Regional Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing in Plant Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "FAO Plant Protection Activities in the Near East Region Regional Workshop on “Strengthening Regional Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing in Plant Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAO Plant Protection Activities in the Near East Region Regional Workshop on “Strengthening Regional Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing in Plant Protection between the Near East Countries” Cairo, 2 – 4 December 2012

2 FAO Strategic Objective A Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production A- Implementation of IPPC and ISPMs; and transboundary pest management B- Pest and pesticide management and implementation of the Rotterdam Convention

3 A- Implementation of IPPC and ISPMs; and transboundary pest management Support implementation of ISPMs on the regional and national levels  Regional consultation workshop on the review of draft ISPMs  Training workshops on implementation of ISPMs Pest Risk Analysis Pest Surveillance ISPM-15 regarding the regulation of wood packaging material in international trade and ISMP-20, the guidelines for a phytosanitary import regulatory system. Establishment of Pest Free Area Pest diagnosis

4 Cont. Implementation of the PCE in the countries. Global review of ISPMs - identification of challenges and best practice. (IRSS- Implementation Review and Support System) ISPM 4, ISPM 6, ISPM 8, ISPM 13 Support knowledge and information exchange on pest monitoring and management between the countries in the RNE – Monthly Desert Locust bulletins produced – The Arab and Near East Plant Protection Newsletter (ANEPPNEL) 3 issues per year are published – Coordination and support the Regional Plant Protection Organizations and networks NEPPO and NEPP-NET

5 Cont.  Develop capacities in management of Desert Locust in the region (CRC) and (CLCPRO) National Desert Locust training courses. Inter-regional/sub-regional training courses on Desert Locust management, Development of the national emergency response and preparedness tools for desert locust management

6 B- Pest and pesticide management and implementation of the Rotterdam Convention Support countries in implementation of the Rotterdam Convention (RC)  Support the ratification of the RC During 2011/2012 new members ratified the RC Morocco and Bahrain Support for promotion of the ratification in 2013 is planned for Tunisia and Algeria  Monitoring programme on severely hazardous pesticide formulation (SHPF): pilot projects Lebanon, Jordan and Syria

7 Cont.  National Action Plan (NAP) in new member countries and follow up of implementation of RC  Support in preparation of notifications of final regulatory action (FRA)

8 Minimizing risks of highly hazardous pesticides  Pesticide management Pesticide management guidelines Revising of the International Code of Conduct (HQs) Developing a pesticide registration toolkit (HQs)  Evaluation of the implementation of the International Code of Conduct Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Palestine  Develop National Pesticide Stock Management System (PSMS)  Promote the alternatives for the HHP newly pesticides listed to the annex III of the RC.

9 Support countries in pest management and promotion of the IPM approach  IPM projects  Developing of manuals on management of key pests in the region (FFs and Tuta absoluta)  Contribution to the organization of the Regional Symposiums on the management key pests in Near East countries.  Technical and advisory assistance provided to the countries in pest management Field missions and seminars and workshops

10 EPPO/IOBC/FAO/NEPPO Joint International Symposium on management of Tuta absoluta Agadir, Morocco, November 16-18, 2011 More than 240 participants from 40 countries

11 Regional Symposium on Management of Fruit Flies in Near East Countries Hammamet, Tunisia, 6‐8 November 2012

12 Olive IPM Seminar, Iran

13 Sub-Regional Training Workshop for GCC Countries & Yemen on Application Of the Phytosanitary Measures Bahrain

14 Training Workshop on the Application of the ISPM6 on Plant Pest Surveillance Fes, Morocco 04 – 06 June 2012

15 Technical Missions, Oman

16 TCP/RAB/3307: Management of Red Palm Weevil in NA

17 IPM project KSA

18 Projects: 1. GTFS/REM/070/ITA Regional IPM Programme (10 countries). 2. TCP/RAB/3307 Management of Red Palm Weevil in North Africa 3. Capacity Building in Integrated Plant Health Management in Saudi Arabia Kingdom (UTF/SAU/025) 4. GCP/LEB/021/ITA Strengthening Production and Marketing of Lebanese Agricultural Products 5. UTF/OMA/007/OMA: Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides in the Sultanate of Oman 6. UTF/OMA/008/OMA: Strengthening the internal regulatory phytosanitary framework – PHASE I: Institutional support

19 Projects cont. 7. TCP/RAB/3402 on Tuta absoluta management in the Near East 8. TCP/RAB/3301 Management of the Invasive Plant Solanum elaeagnifolium in the Near East (Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) 9. Libya programme: 1.UTF/LIB/032/LIB on Strengthening Pesticide Management in Libya 2.UTF/LIB/033/LIB on Development of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme in Libya: 3.UTF/LIB/038/LIB Strengthening Capacities in Phytosanitary Area

20 شكرا لحسن إستماعكم Thanks for your attention

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