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The Archaic Period Cultures of Latin America

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1 The Archaic Period Cultures of Latin America
Readings: M. Coe- Chapter 3 Sources: S.T. Evans, & more

2 Archaic Period 8,000BC- 2,000BC Climate Archaic Transformations
Wetter and warmer, Landscapes Micro-environments Archaic Transformations N. Arid Zone-Tamaulipas Basin of Mexico- Tehuacan Valley Maya region- Chiapas, Guatemala & Belize

3 Seasonality & Scheduling
Dry Season Subsistence “Micro-band” Game & Agave plant Domestication of squash Rainy season Subsistence Abundance of food and water “Macro-band”

4 Early to Middle Archaic Period(8,000-5500BC)
Caves and Rock shelters Gila Naquitz- Valley of Oaxaca (8,000-6,500BC) Micro-band Maguey use evidence The Zoque Film points Tehuacan Valley Slopes with caves Springs (ref. to name) Use for over 10,000 yrs. Human sacrifice (cremation) Reasons?

5 Origins of Mexican Cultivation
Middle ( BC) to Late Archaic ( BC) Mesoamerican crops Maguey The four sisters Maize Domestication 4,000BC origins Highlands of Oaxaca and Balsas Drainage-West Oaxaca Guila Naquitz Cave-(4250BC) Other sites Early uses

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