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Objectives  Convergence of investments in irrigation  Enhance access to irrigation  Integration of water source, distribution and application  Improved.

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3 Objectives  Convergence of investments in irrigation  Enhance access to irrigation  Integration of water source, distribution and application  Improved on-farm water use efficiency  Enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation  Water conservation & ground water recharge  Development of rainfed areas through watershed approach  Extension activities & IEC application  Treatment of municipal waste water for peri-urban agriculture  Greater private investments in irrigation

4  Template for preparation of DIP not available  Cost of preparation of DIP not mentioned  Allocation to the states not known in advance  High pending liabilities  Coordination at District and State level  Channelization of funds from various departments

5  Current method of approval of MOWR projects will be continued or not?  What will be the role of existing SLNA (IWMP)?  Componentwise allocation of funds of IWMP  Pattern of fund sharing ?  Norms for treated waste water  Convergence with MGNREGA

6  Templates to be finalized by GOI and shared with the states  Cost of preparation of DIP be upto Rs 20 L per district  Allocation by all departments to be communicated to the states in advance  Ongoing projects to be merged with DIP & to be prioritized  State level executive authority to be established for implementation  Channelization of funds through state level executive authority

7  SLSC be empowered to sanction the MOWR projects and its implementation  SLNA be strengthened as PMKSY nodal authority  SLSC be empowered to decide componentwise/ departmentwise allocation  Pattern of fund sharing may be 90:10  BOD norms need to be relaxed  Convergence with MGNREGA to be decided by SLSC  All state sector projects related to water resource development be made part of DIP


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