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EU Qualifications ENTER: Entrepreneurship towards Employment Final Valorisation Seminar - 27 June 2014 Brian Hobbs, ASDAN Deputy CEO.

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Presentation on theme: "EU Qualifications ENTER: Entrepreneurship towards Employment Final Valorisation Seminar - 27 June 2014 Brian Hobbs, ASDAN Deputy CEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU Qualifications ENTER: Entrepreneurship towards Employment Final Valorisation Seminar - 27 June 2014 Brian Hobbs, ASDAN Deputy CEO

2 Youth Award Scheme Recognising Small Steps of Achievement through Credit

3 Part of UK’s National Qualifications Framework since 2007 QCF Qualifications and Credit Framework

4 The QCF provides a structure within which: unit-based qualifications can be located achievements are recognised through the award of credits and qualifications the level and size of achievements can be easily identified the mechanism necessary to allow the accumulation and transfer of credits between qualifications and awarding organisations operate learners are given the maximum flexibility and range of opportunities to progress and receive recognition for their achievements

5 Enterprising Skills Unit at Level 1 with value of 1 credit Learning Outcome - The learner will: Assessment Criterion - The learner can: 1 Understand the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and how these are important in business situations 1.1 Describe what is meant by the term entrepreneur 1.2 Identify the skills that are needed to be a successful entrepreneur 1.3 Identify attitudes and qualities that are needed to be a successful entrepreneur 1.4 Give examples of situations where having entrepreneurial skills, attitudes and qualities would be important factors in contributing to business success 2 Understand own strengths as an enterprising person and ways to develop own enterprising characteristics 2.1 Describe how an enterprising person behaves 2.2 Identify own strengths in terms of enterprising skills, attitudes and qualities 2.3 State how enterprising skills, attitudes and qualities can help achieve own work related goals 2.4 Agree activities to develop own enterprising skills and attitudes

6 The EQF aims to relate different countries’ national qualifications systems to a common European reference framework EQF European Qualifications Framework

7 EQF European Qualifications Framework QCF Qualifications Credit Framework (England/NI) CQFW Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales SCQF Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework 88812 77711 66610/9 55/4 8/7 4336 3225 2114 1E3 3 E2 2 E1 1

8 England EQF NCP: Ofqual ( Contact Simon Perks at: Northern Ireland EQF NCP: CCEA Accreditation ( Contact Caroline Egerton at: Scotland EQF NCP: Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership ( Contact Aileen Ponton at: Wales EQF NCP: ColegauCymru / CollegesWales ( Contact: Adrian Sheehan at: UK EQF NPC (National Co-ordination Points) Contact Information

9 ECVET: European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training EQAVET: the European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training The Europass Portfolio

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