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Introducing QES Methods – the Basics: Thematic Synthesis & Framework Synthesis.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing QES Methods – the Basics: Thematic Synthesis & Framework Synthesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing QES Methods – the Basics: Thematic Synthesis & Framework Synthesis

2 Framework for systematic reviews of qualitative research (Garside, 2010) StageTypical activities Developing research questionAssemble team; Consult; Agree approach Scoping exerciseIdentify relevant research; Refine methods Identifying relevant literatureDevelop Inclusion/Exclusion criteria; Focused searches; Citation searches Initial assessment of study reportsPreliminary reading; Identify theories; Assess utility/relevance Analysis and synthesisReading & rereading study reports; Constant comparison; Assess validity Preliminary synthesisCategorising; tabulating; mindmaps; Explore relationships Full synthesisThematic analysis; translation of findings; Theory development; rival explanations DisseminationTarget audiences; Limitations of review ThroughoutMultiple viewpoints; Reflexivity; Audit trail; Ongoing consultation; revisit review purpose

3 Two QES Methods……..


5 Their Origins Thematic Synthesis from Thematic Analysis – assignment of themes to qualitative data (e.g. from interviews) Framework Synthesis from Framework Analysis – assignment of data from interviews etcetera to predefined domains of a framework

6 Thematic Synthesis Either performed using: – Line as Unit of Analysis – Line-by-Line Coding – Eppi-Centre Method – Uses Qualitative Software – Data Extract as Unit of Analysis – Assignment of Theme(s) – Uses Data Extraction themes for data extracts

7 Framework Synthesis

8 A Framework

9 How do you create a framework?  Develop own framework or themes or concepts for coding  Oliver S et al: A multidimensional conceptual framework for analysing public involvement in health services research. Health Expectations 2008, 11:72-84.  Brunton G, Oliver S, Oliver K, Lorenc T. A Synthesis of Research Addressing Children’s, Young People’s and Parents’ Views of Walking and Cycling for Transport London. London, EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London; 2006.  Identify or create a thematic framework or conceptual model  Carroll C, Booth A, Cooper K. A worked example of “best-fit” framework synthesis: A systematic review of views concerning the taking of potential chemopreventive agents, BMC Medical Research Methodology 2011; 11: 29

10 An existing conceptual framework Conrad K, et al (1996). The worksite environment as a cue to smoking reduction. Research in Nursing & Health, 19 21-31.


12 A Framework

13 Best Fit Framework Synthesis

14 Framework synthesis Thematic synthesis

15 Why start with these methods? 1.Simplest methods of qualitative analysis 2.Many qualitative researchers already familiar with primary research counterparts 3.Do not preclude further analysis using more “advanced” methods e.g. thematic synthesis => meta-ethnography 4.Conservative choice that accommodates most degrees of richness/thickness of qualitative data

16 Challenges Thematic Synthesis – Creating meaningful “labels” for the themes that emerge from the data. Establishing relationships between different themes Framework synthesis – Not “squeezing” data into existing categories. Requires pre- definition of what categories mean (especially if taken from published framework).

17 Best Fit Framework Synthesis Booth, A., & Carroll, C. (2015). Systematic searching for theory to inform systematic reviews: is it feasible? Is it desirable?. Health Information & Libraries Journal. (Early View) Booth A and Carroll C (2015) How to build up the actionable knowledge base: the role of "best fit" framework synthesis for studies of improvement in healthcare. BMJ Quality & Safety (Forthcoming) Carroll, C., Booth, A., Leaviss, J., & Rick, J. (2013). “Best fit” framework synthesis: refining the method. BMC medical research methodology, 13(1), 37. Carroll, C., Booth, A., & Cooper, K. (2011). A worked example of "best fit" framework synthesis: A systematic review of views concerning the taking of some potential chemopreventive agents. BMC Medical Research Methodology,11(1), 1-9. Carroll, C., Rick, J., Leaviss, J., Fishwick, D., & Booth, A. (2013). A qualitative evidence synthesis of employees’ views of workplace smoking reduction or cessation interventions. BMC public health, 13(1), 1095. Dixon-Woods, M. (2011). Using framework-based synthesis for conducting reviews of qualitative studies. BMC medicine, 9(1), 39.

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