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計算機語言 ( 大一, 第二学期 ) 福島康裕 助理教授, 環境系統工程研究室 ext. 65838.

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Presentation on theme: "計算機語言 ( 大一, 第二学期 ) 福島康裕 助理教授, 環境系統工程研究室 ext. 65838."— Presentation transcript:

1 計算機語言 ( 大一, 第二学期 ) 福島康裕 助理教授, 環境系統工程研究室 email:, ext. 65838

2 Introduction Teacher 福島 康裕 FUKUSHIMA Yasuhiro You can call me : Prof. Fuku/ 福島老師 In Taiwan since August 2004

3 Tools we learn MS-Excel Spreadsheet software Most basic tools for simple calculations and modeling Various graphics FORTRAN Programming Language Most used programming language in engineering field, previously Java (if we have time…)

4 Contents and rules Every week, I will give you exercise on Tuesday. Hopefully you will finish them on that day. You need to submit the report written in MS-Word to Prof. Fuku through e-learning system, by Monday in the next week The report can be in Chinese. If you try with English, that will be subject to an additional point! Wrong English will not lose any points. Copying others’ report is strictly forbidden. If I find it, both reports will be considered as 0 points.

5 Routines Twice every week Tuesday 16:10 – 17:00 Room: 47111 @ 環工系 Thursday 8:10 – 10:00 Room: 209 @ Information center DemonstrationWork on exercise (with teaching assistant) Explanation

6 Grading Participation ( =Stamp + report submission ) 80% + Exercise 20% No Exam Late submission of exercise will earn less points In addition to the results, you should write explanations to get full points Grading system will be strict

7 Computers Our department computer room I will give you the username and the password for our department computer room (2F) You can use the computers there any time you want Computer center Room 209 Need your student ID card to enter

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