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Squash Canada Task #11: Advanced Strategy and Tactics November 2003

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Presentation on theme: "Squash Canada Task #11: Advanced Strategy and Tactics November 2003"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Link Between Tactics, Sport Psychology and Perceptual-Motor Learning
Squash Canada Task #11: Advanced Strategy and Tactics November 2003 Tim Bacon, Smith College

2 Ice-Breaker! Think about the best tactical squash player that you know. Think about their psychological qualities. Turn to the person next to you and briefly discuss and decide (less than 2 min.): what psychological qualities do the best tactical squash players possess?

3 Overview Open Skill Process Nideffer’s Model of Concentration
Anticipation & Deception Psychological Qualities & Styles of Play Mental Skills to Improve Tactics Winning Ugly: Psychological Tactics Periodization of Tactics & Psychology

4 Importance of Linking Tactics to Psychology & Perceptual Motor Learning
Canada: Vickers Australia: Abernathy & Flynn German Tennis Federation (TC) Bompa

5 Strategic Mistakes? Tactical-Technical - insufficient skill to carry out the strategy Tactical-Physical – insufficient conditioning to implement the strategy Tactical-Psychological –too anxious or lack of concentration or confidence to implement the strategy Tactical-Perceptual – Errors in perception, judgement or decision-making

6 The Open Skill Process Perception Decision Action Feedback

7 3 Stages of Learning Stage Characteristics Tech./Tactics Cognitive
Technique Differenitated Tactics Automatic

8 Attention is both a Motor Learning and Psychology Topic

9 Nideffer’s Model of Sports Concentration
Focus – flashlight model 4 types of focus Relationship to Open Skill Process Choking Process Attentional Errors TAIS Attentional Control Training

10 Four Types of Attentional Focus
Broad WIDTH Narrow External Internal DIRECTION

11 An Attentional Problem
Choking An Attentional Problem

12 Attending to past events (e.g., what was?)
Attentional Problems Attending to past events (e.g., what was?) Attending to future events (e.g., what if?) Choking under pressure Overanalysis of body mechanics Fatigue

13 Test of Attentional & Interpersonal Style
BET, NAR, OIT, OET, RED Canadian Jr. results

14 Anticipation in Racquet Sports
Abernethy: « A » players initiate movement before the ball is struck - « D » players do not! Expert players rely on shoulder and racquet head cues - novices don ’t Differences between world-class and national-level players

15 Teaching Ball Judgement
Train the perception: straight or cross Train the decision: « fore » or « back » Train skill 1: forehand Train skill 2 Alternate execution of skills Randomize execution of skills Competitive game Evaluate in match play

16 Progression for Anticipation
Identify pre-impact cues train the perception train the decision train skill 1 train skill 2 alternate skills randomize skills competitive-conditioned game evaluate in match play

17 Decision-Making (Tactics) Progression
Choose a topic: select two skills where player must differentiate “Sell” the decision Train the perception Train the decision Train skill 1 Train skill 2 etc.

18 Decision Training (Vickers)
Tactial Training Feedback Top down vs. Bottom up

19 Tactical Coaching Assessment

20 Coaching Feedback Assessment

21 Top Down Coaching

22 Developmental Model for Perceptual-Motor Skills (Flynn)

23 Psychological Qualities & Styles of Play
Psych Quality Methods to Develop Retriever Attritional Lobber/slow Hard Hitter Shotmaker

24 IPS and Tactics Tactical play is improved when in the zone

25 Mental Skills to Improve Tactics
Application Rationale Relaxation Self-Talk Activation Visualization Concentration

26 Focus Plans Integrated mental & tactical plan
3 parts: Pre-Match, Match, Refocus 3 ways to develop Situation/checkpoint/score Tactics Free form


28 Winning Ugly: Psychological Tactics
Brad Gilbert: Winning Ugly ‘’Geoff Hunt on Squash’’ Chuck Kriese: Momentum Management


30 Periodization of Tactics & Psychology
Technical-Tactial periodization Development of psychological qualities Development of mental skills Periodization of visualization Long-term planning

31 Periodization of Visualization
General Prep. Specific Prep. Pre- Comp. Trans. Technique Basic Patterns Individual Game Plan Styles Focus Plan Opponent Refocus N/A Forehand drop in front Drop followed by volley Retriever 8-8, 5th Match ball Down 2-0

32 Longterm Planning – TC Example
Age U11 U14 U16/18 Psych Qualities Other

33 References

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