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6 th International Conference “Russian Rates Derivatives 2012: New Environment?” Location: EBRD, Russia Nat FX Association, ISDA Organisers: London, European.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th International Conference “Russian Rates Derivatives 2012: New Environment?” Location: EBRD, Russia Nat FX Association, ISDA Organisers: London, European."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th International Conference “Russian Rates Derivatives 2012: New Environment?” Location: EBRD, Russia Nat FX Association, ISDA Organisers: London, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London Date: Tuesday, 14 th March 2012 Timothy Murphy, Bloomberg London Bloomberg RUSSIAN DERIVATIVES Market Participation

2 Bloomberg COUNTRIESFIXED INCOMEDERIVATIVES, FINANCING Global market leadership in the electronic trading and trade confirmation of OTC Derivatives transactions

3 Bloomberg



6 Bloomberg Bond AuctionsBloomberg E-Bond Bloomberg THROUGH-PUT FIXED INCOME CCP WORKFLOW PROCESS

7 Bloomberg direct connectivity to all major Central Clearing Parties (CCPs) Select your Derivatives Clearing Member and / or submit trades directly to your chosen Clearing House Receive real-time status on your and your clients’ trades from your CCP and Clearing Broker / Member Allocate and Submit your trades on Bloomberg network without the need for 3 rd party middleware.   

8 NYSE Euronext and Bloomberg Platform Automates Real Time, Pricing, Routing, Trading, Confirmation & Settlement Process March 2012 Real-time view of NYSE Bonds markets with full depth of book Ability to hit/lift NYSE Bonds markets using Bloomberg TOMS Straight-Through-Processing (STP) of orders from Platform to Exchange Back-Office Systems Custodian Systems, Full Audit Trail, efficient Execution and Reporting Inventory acquisition from NYSE Bonds to fill open client orders Fully Integrated Through-Put System for Fixed Income

9 Bloomberg Committed to assist all market developments and transparency to improve efficiency and clarity, reducing risks. Goal is to facilitate Russian OTC Derivatives trading, execution and reporting Fully co-operative with all involved market participants


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