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Physics of Astronomy week 3 – Tues.20. Jan. 2004 Celestial Mechanics Boas: Spherical Coordinates - solutions Moon pretest Minilectures on Universe Ch.3.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics of Astronomy week 3 – Tues.20. Jan. 2004 Celestial Mechanics Boas: Spherical Coordinates - solutions Moon pretest Minilectures on Universe Ch.3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics of Astronomy week 3 – Tues.20. Jan. 2004 Celestial Mechanics Boas: Spherical Coordinates - solutions Moon pretest Minilectures on Universe Ch.3 Moon workshop HW hints on Universe Ch.3 + 4 Thursday: Ch.4 minilectures, and do worksheets from last Thus. lecture.

2 Boas: Spherical coordinates

3 Mon.19.Jan: Holiday; Tuesday Boas HW due. Tues.20.Jan: ML on Universe Ch.3: Moon & Eclipses Thus.22.Jan: ML on Universe Ch.4: Gravity & Orbits Mon.26.Jan: Workshop on Jupiter’s moons & Dark matter Tues.27.Jan: HW due on Universe 3+4; Quiz Review Physics Ch.3+4; ML Physics Ch.6 Thus. 28.Jan: Lecture and ML on Astrophysics Ch.2 Tues.3.Feb: HW due on Physics Ch.6; CO Ch.2; Quiz Learning Plan for weeks 3-4:

4 Tues.20.Jan: Universe Ch.3: Moon & Eclipses (Boas due) Team 1: Ch.3.1, Motion of Moon, # 23 Team 2: Ch.3.2, Motion of Moon, # 43 Team 3: Ch.3.3-4, Lunar Eclipses, # 30 Team 4: Ch.3.5, Solar Eclipses, #33 Team 5: Ch.3.5, Distances: demonstrate and diagram Eratosthenes’ calculation Thus.22.Jan: Universe Ch.4: Gravity & Orbits Team 1: Ch.4.1-2, Retrograde motion, #48 Team 2: Ch.4.3, Galileo’s observations, #50 or 52 Team 3: Ch.4.4-5, Tycho + Kepler, #35 Team 4: Ch.4.6-7, Newton + orbits, #39 Team 5: Ch.4.8, Tides #44 (or Physics Ch.6 #54) Tues.27.Jan: HW due: Physics Ch.6 # 54; Universe Ch.3 # 23, 33, 30, 43, 24 (start 45 when skies clear); Ch.4 # 48, 52, 35, 39, 44, 36 Assignments for week 3:

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