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5 th Grade Expectations and Procedures in Room 253.

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1 5 th Grade Expectations and Procedures in Room 253

2 A procedure is the way that we do things. To do things right, we have to follow some simple procedures, for example To place a call on your phone, you need to enter the number in the right order. So, to be successful in learning, and at school you need to follow some simple procedures.

3 Morning Procedure Enter the classroom and greet the teacher Read the Morning Message Place homework in the yellow bin Place notes in the green bin Sharpen pencils Write down assignments Begin morning work quietly

4 Lining Up Come to the line as dismissed by the teacher Push in chair Zip and flip Ready to head out the door No holding spots End of the line

5 Fire Drill Stop working No talking – move to quickly to line up Get in “fire drill order” Zip and flip Wait for teacher directions When you arrive on the field outside, turn facing school. Remain zipped and flipped till Mr. Bennett signals

6 Coming to the rug Push in your chairs WALK Go to assigned spots (Reading spots, morning meeting spots, etc.) Turn your body to the teacher Do not lean against the wall

7 While others are talking/teacher is teaching Eyes on the teacher or speaker Lips closed Complete the tasks you are asked to do (turn and talk, stop and jot, sketch…) Choose your seats wisely if you get to choose

8 Hallways Lips closed Close and quiet Hands to yourself Single file

9 Restroom/Drinks/Pencil sharpening Complete these things during “down” time One boy and one girl allowed out at a time

10 Dismissal Remember that the bell does not dismiss you, your teacher does. Get all materials out that you need to take home. Wait for the teacher to dismiss you to get your backpack and jacket. Come back to your seats, pack your bag, chair up Wait on the rug (car riders and champions on purple rug, bus on back rug)

11 Snacks Please remember to bring a HEALTHY and NUT FREE snack to school each day. Sometimes we will have snacks for you, but not always! We have a long morning…you will be hungry!

12 Classroom Rewards Tickets Raffle each week Guest teacher

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