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1 Your personality is “all of you”. It includes your intelligence, behaviors, appearance, habits, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, experiences, etc. PERSONALITY:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Your personality is “all of you”. It includes your intelligence, behaviors, appearance, habits, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, experiences, etc. PERSONALITY:"— Presentation transcript:


2 1 Your personality is “all of you”. It includes your intelligence, behaviors, appearance, habits, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, experiences, etc. PERSONALITY:

3 2 It’s what makes you different from everyone else.

4 3 Your basic personality core is formed in the first 5 years of life. It stays the same. Overall, your personality is dynamic.

5 4 2 DETERMINENTS 2 DETERMINENTS: ENVIRONMENT- social 1ENVIRONMENT- social HEREDITY 2 HEREDITY: a appearance b handicaps (Jim Abbott) c some traits

6 5TRAITS: Specific descriptions or characteristics +/- (Not emotions, intelligence, appearance, behaviors.) LIST

7 6 Always try to help a friend in need!

8 7 Do you look for ways to help others ?

9 8 Try meeting new types of friends?

10 9 Kiss a friend!

11 10 Be more Assertive!

12 11 Be patient with others.

13 12

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