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Energy (TKK-2129) 13/14 Spring Semester Instructor: Rama Oktavian Office Hr.: M.13-15, Tu. 13-15, W. 13-15, Th. 13-15,

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Presentation on theme: "Energy (TKK-2129) 13/14 Spring Semester Instructor: Rama Oktavian Office Hr.: M.13-15, Tu. 13-15, W. 13-15, Th. 13-15,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy (TKK-2129) 13/14 Spring Semester Instructor: Rama Oktavian Email: Office Hr.: M.13-15, Tu. 13-15, W. 13-15, Th. 13-15, F. 09-11

2 Outlines 1. Coal: Introduction 2. Coal power plant 3. Coal to chemical (CTC) 4. Recent status of coal technology

3 Coal (Intro) Coal is conventional fossil fuel Formation of Coal  Coal deposits are formed from plant material that died and was deposited in a swampy environment - low in O 2  Anaerobic bacteria convert the organic material until environment becomes too acidic and the bacterial die - decomposition stops when the plants have been converted to peat  Peat becomes buried at bottom of swamp  Peat is transformed at high pressure and low temperature (< 200 °C) over ~300 million years to coal

4 Coal (Intro) Coal is conventional fossil fuel Formation of Coal

5 Coal (Intro) Coal Mining  Surface Mining  Strip Mining  Underground Mining

6 Coal (Intro) Types of coal

7 Coal (Intro) Types of coal

8 Coal (Intro) Types of coal

9 Coal (Intro) Chemical composition of coal Source:

10 Coal source Energy sources in Indonesia Coal

11 Coal source Energy sources in Indonesia Coal

12 Coal power plant Process equipment  Feedwater  Feedwater used in a steam boiler to transfer heat energy from the fuel burning area to mech. Energy of spinning steam turbine  Boiler  Rectangular furnace, pulverized coal is blown in from fuel nozzles at 4 corners. The coal then burns quickly and forms a fireball at the center (seriously, a fireball!!!).

13 Coal power plant Process equipment  Steam Turbine Generator  Is a series of steam turbines interconnected to each other and then a generator  Steam Condenser  Steam enters from the turbine generator and is pumped into the bottom of the condenser, where pumps recycle the condensed steam from the feedwater  Stack  Releases process emissions.

14 Coal power plant Process diagram

15 Coal power plant Pros  Cheap  Cheaper per unit energy than oil or natural gas  Will continue to be an important global resource  Abundance  Coal is the world’s most abundant fossil fuel  Sufficient reserves for the next 250 years

16 Coal power plant Pros  Efficiency  Larger power plants are more efficient  38% of the chemical energy is converted to energy  Safe  safest fossil fuel to transport, store and use

17 Coal power plant Cons  Environmental issues  Coal-Fired Power Plants are the largest contributor of hazardous air pollutants. o Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) o Nitrogen Oxide (NO x ) o Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) o Mercury


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