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Fundraising Strategy and Funding Partners Michel Mouyelo-Katoula, The World Bank Giovanni Savio, UN-ESCWA High-level Meeting for Launching the 2011 Round.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundraising Strategy and Funding Partners Michel Mouyelo-Katoula, The World Bank Giovanni Savio, UN-ESCWA High-level Meeting for Launching the 2011 Round."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundraising Strategy and Funding Partners Michel Mouyelo-Katoula, The World Bank Giovanni Savio, UN-ESCWA High-level Meeting for Launching the 2011 Round Of the ICP in Western Asia Region Beirut, 20 July 2010

2 Fundraising: Open Issues  The budget that needs to be allocated for the proper functioning of the project during the Round has been discussed in a previous Session of the High-Level Meeting  Those figures are estimates of costs, DO NOT correspond to funds available anywhere (ESCWA, WB etc.)  The figures shown are probably an UNDER-ESTIMATION of total costs, see budget allocated for staffing at ESCWA and countries’ participation to the Round  Small budget ‘inherited’ from the previous Round now available at ESCWA for VERY short-term and contingency needs, i.e. organization of this three-day meeting

3 Fundraising: Open Issues  There is a need for concrete steps forward in fundraising …  … with a joint effort by the ‘established’ Regional Bodies, Member Countries, Stakeholders, Users, Regional and International Organizations, and potential donors in general  Activities (Meetings, Workshops, Training) might be in part co- shared with other volunteering Training Institutions in the ESCWA Region  However, that will not be sufficient to support the whole set of activities during the time-horizon of the Round

4 Fundraising: Open Issues  There is a need for concrete steps forward in fundraising …  … with a joint effort by the ‘established’ Regional Bodies, Member Countries, Stakeholders, Users, Regional and International Organizations, and potential donors in general  Activities (Meetings, Workshops, Training) might be in part co- shared with other volunteering Training Institutions in the ESCWA Region  However, that will not be sufficient to support the whole set of activities during the time-horizon of the Round

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