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Bat Design Final Report Alison Welch. Design Objectives Targets: Shell MOI: 3400 Final MOI: 5700 Other Parameters Layers: 6 Avg. Braid Angles: Handle-

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Presentation on theme: "Bat Design Final Report Alison Welch. Design Objectives Targets: Shell MOI: 3400 Final MOI: 5700 Other Parameters Layers: 6 Avg. Braid Angles: Handle-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bat Design Final Report Alison Welch

2 Design Objectives Targets: Shell MOI: 3400 Final MOI: 5700 Other Parameters Layers: 6 Avg. Braid Angles: Handle- 50° Barrel- 60° Epoxy Resin Length: 29.5 in

3 Design Process I came to these design parameters by comparing the data of previously completed bats. I found that my MOI could be reached one of two ways: 6 layers and high braid angle 8 layers and a mid to low braid angle I chose the 6 layer option because I found that it is hard to get the resin to penetrate the fibers fully 8 layer bats.

4 Results Actual Parameters Layers: 6 Length: 29.75 in Avg. Braid Angles: Handle- 49.3° Barrel- 61° End-cap weight: 4.3 ounces Knob weight: 2.7 ounces Shell MOI: 3431 – 7.2% deviation Final MOI: 5838 – 2.4% deviation

5 Conclusions Possible Sources of Error Braid Angle Deviation End-cap Weight Length of Final Bat In order to better reach my target I could have worked more with my model to accurately represent the effect of braid angle on the density of the bat.

6 Group Bat Project Project Number 4 MOI Measurement Error Using Experimental Evaluation Process: Each person in the group seprately measured the length, weight, CG, and period oscillation for each of 3 completed bats. The MOI was then calculated from each set of data and compared.

7 Data



10 Conclusions The largest variations in the data were between the period and center of gravity measurements. However minimal these variations are, they caused slightly larger variations in the MOI. This is because of the formula used. W*(L-CG-6)*(386*t 2 /4π 2 ) Mark and Ryan analyzed the amount of MOI deviation that is caused by a change in each parameter.

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