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A UTOIMMUNE D ISORDERS. I MMUNITY Normal process Promotes inflammation Fights off invasion Autoimmune response Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)

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2 I MMUNITY Normal process Promotes inflammation Fights off invasion Autoimmune response Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) AKA: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) Self and non-self blurred

3 O STEOARTHRITIS Wear and Tear on joints Affects mostly older adults; men & women Joint pain, stiffness Relieved by pain relievers and low- impact exercise

4 R HEUMATOID A RTHRITIS Autoimmune disorder Causes inflamed tissue that destroys cartilage Affects young and middle-age adults; more females than males May be very painful

5 A NKYLOSING S PONDYLITIS Another type of arthritis Affects the joints of the spine Likely genetic Symptoms / treatment

6 F IBROMYALGIA “Waste basket diagnosis” Complex, chronic pain disorder

7 F IBROMYALGIA C ONTINUED Diagnosis include Detailed history Pain in at least 11 of 18 designated tender points. Other diseases need to be ruled out first Symptoms include: Widespread pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, fibro “fog”, headaches, anxiety, and/or depression

8 C HRONIC F ATIGUE S YNDROME (CFS) Another “Waste basket diagnosis” Diagnosis must meet 2 criteria: Patient must have unexplained, persistent fatigue for 6 months or more (other diseases ruled out) Four or more “approved” symptoms must be present for at least 6 months CFS “fog”, unrefreshing sleep, muscle pain, joint pain without swelling, headaches, flu-like symptoms, tender lymph nodes, recurring sore throat

9 S YSTEMIC L UPUS E RYTHEMATOSUS (SLE) Immune system produces antibodies to body cells causing inflammation and tissue damage. One main characteristic: butterfly facial rash Other symptoms May affect any organ in the body.

10 C ELIAC D ISEASE Controversial disorder Gluten ingestion leads to small intestine damage Symptoms Treatment Related conditions

11 A UTOIMMUNE DISORDERS Treatment Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) The importance of the biopsychosocial model Biopyschosocial Model GeneticsSocialPsychologyEnvironment

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