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EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 “LCG Operation During the Data Challenges” Markus Schulz, IT-GD, CERN

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2 EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 “LCG Operation During the Data Challenges” Markus Schulz, IT-GD, CERN “Discussion on Operation Models”

3 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 2 Outline Building LCG-2 Data Challenges (very brief) Problems (not so brief) Operating LCG  how it was planned  how it happened to be done  how it felt What’s next? I will skip many slides to leave room for discussions Comment /Shout in REALTIME!!!!!

4 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 3 History December 2003 LCG-2  Full set of functionality for DCs, first MSS integration  Deployed in January to 8 core sites (less sites less trouble)  DCs started in February -> testing in production  Large sites integrate resources into LCG (MSS and farms)  Introduced a pre-production service for the experiments  Alternative packaging (tool based and generic installation guides) Mai 2004 -> now monthly incremental releases  Not all releases are distributed to external sites  Improved services, functionality, stability and packing step by step  Timely response to experiences from the data challenges

5 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 4 LCG-2 Status 22 10 2004 Total: 82 Sites ~9400 CPUs ~6.5 PByte Cyprus new interested sites should look here: releaserelease

6 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 5 Integrating Sites Sites contact GD Group or Regional Center Sites go to the release pagerelease Sites decide on manual or tool based installation (LCFGng)  documentation for both available  WN and UI from next release on tar-ball based release almost trivial install of WNs and UIs Sites provide security and contact information Sites install and use provided tests for debugging  support from regional centers or CERN CERN GD certifies site and adds it to the monitoring and information system  sites are daily re-certified and problems traced in SAVANNAH Large sites have integrated their local batch systems in LCG-2 Adding new sites is now quite smooth  problem is keeping large number of sites correctly configured worked 80+ times failed 3-5 times

7 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 6 Data Challenges Large scale production effort of the LHC experiments  test and validate the computing models  produce needed simulated data  test experiments production frame works and software  test the provided grid middleware  test the services provided by LCG-2 All experiments used LCG-2 for part of their production

8 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 7 Data Challenges Phase I  120k Pb+Pb events produced in 56k jobs  1.3 million files (26TByte) in Castor@CERN  Total CPU: 285 MSI-2k hours (2.8 GHz PC working 35 years)  ~25% produced on LCG-2  Phase II (underway)  1 million jobs, 10 TB produced, 200TB transferred,500 MSI2k hours CPU  ~15% on LCG-2 Phase I  7.7 Million events fully simulated (Geant 4) in 95.000 jobs  22 TByte  Total CPU: 972 MSI-2k hours  >40% produced on LCG-2 (used LCG-2, GRID3, NorduGrid)

9 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 8 Data Challenges ~30 M events produced 25Hz reached (only once for a full day)

10 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 9 DIRAC alone LCG in action 1.8 10 6 /day LCG paused 3-5 10 6 /day LCG restarted Data Challenges Phase I  186 M events 61 TByte  Total CPU: 424 CPU years (43 LCG-2 and 20 DIRAC sites)  Up to 5600 concurrent running jobs in LCG-2

11 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 10 Problems during the data challenges All experiments encountered on LCG-2 similar problems LCG sites suffering from configuration and operational problems  not adequate resources on some sites (hardware, human..)  this is now the main source of failures Load balancing between different sites is problematic  jobs can be “attracted” to sites that have no adequate resources  modern batch systems are too complex and dynamic to summarize their behavior in a few values in the IS Identification and location of problems in LCG-2 is difficult  distributed environment, access to many logfiles needed…..  status of monitoring tools Handling thousands of jobs is time consuming and tedious  Support for bulk operation is not adequate Performance and scalability of services  storage (access and number of files)  job submission  information system  file catalogues Services suffered from hardware problems (no fail over services) DC summary

12 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 11 Outstanding Middleware Issues Collection: Outstanding Middleware IssuesOutstanding Middleware Issues  Important: 1 st systematic confrontation of required functionalities with capabilities of the existing middleware Some can be patched, worked around, Those related to fundamental problems with underlying models and architectures have to be input as essential requirements to future developments (EGEE) Middleware is now not perfect but quite stable  Much has been improved during DC’s A lot of effort still going into improvements and fixes Big hole is missing space management on SE’s – especially for Tier 2 sites

13 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 12 Operational issues (selection) Slow response from sites  Upgrades, response to problems, etc.  Problems reported daily – some problems last for weeks Lack of staff available to fix problems  Vacation period, other high priority tasks Various mis-configurations (see next slide) Lack of configuration management – problems that are fixed reappear Lack of fabric management (mostly smaller sites)  scratch space, single nodes drain queues, incomplete upgrades, …. Lack of understanding  Admins reformat disks of SE … Provided documentation often not read (carefully)  new activity started to develop “hierarchical” adaptive documentation  simpler way to install middleware on farm nodes (even remotely in user space) Firewall issues –  often less than optimal coordination between grid admins and firewall maintainers PBS problems  Scalability, robustness (switching to torque helps)

14 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 13 Site (mis) - configurations Site mis-configuration was responsible for most of the problems that occurred during the experiments Data Challenges. Here is a non-complete list of problems:  – The variable VO SW DIR points to a non existent area on WNs.  – The ESM is not allowed to write in the area dedicated to the software installation  – Only one certificate allowed to be mapped to the ESM local account  – Wrong information published in the information system (Glue Object Classes not linked)  – Queue time limits published in minutes instead of seconds and not normalized  – /etc/ not properly configured. Shared libraries not found.  – Machines not synchronized in time  – Grid-mapfiles not properly built  – Pool accounts not created but the rest of the tools configured with pool accounts  – Firewall issues  – CA files not properly installed  – NFS problems for home directories or ESM areas  – Services configured to use the wrong/no Information Index (BDII)  – Wrong user profiles  – Default user shell environment too big  Only partly related to middleware complexity integrated all common small problems into 1 BIG PROBLEM

15 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 14 Running Services Multiple instances of core services for each of the experiments  separates problems, avoids interference between experiments  improves availability  allows experiments to maintain individual configuration (information system)  addresses scalability to some degree Monitoring tools for services currently not adequate  tools under development to implement control system Access to storage via load balanced interfaces  CASTOR  dCache Services that carry “state” are problematic to restart on new nodes  needed after hardware problems, or security problems “State Transition” between partial usage and full usage of resources  required change in queue configuration (faire share, individual queues/VO)  next release will come with description for fair share configuration (smaller sites) DC summary

16 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 15 Support during the DCs User (Experiment) Support:  GD at CERN worked very close with the experiments production managers  Informal exchange (e-mail, meetings, phone) “No Secrets” approach, GD people on experiments mail lists and vice versa –ensured fast response tracking of problems tedious, but both sites have been patient clear learning curve on BOTH sites LCG GGUS (grid user support) at FZK became operational after start of the DCs –due to the importance of the DCs the experiments switch slowly to the new service Very good end user documentation by GD-EIS Dedicated testbed for experiments with next LCG-2 release –rapid feedback, influenced what made it into the next release Installation (Site) Support:  GD prepared releases and supported sites (certification, re-certification)  Regional centres supported their local sites (some more, some less)  Community style help via mailing list (high traffic!!)  FAQ lists for trouble shooting and configuration issues: Taipei RALTaipeiRAL

17 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 16 Support during the DCs Operations Service:  RAL (UK) is leading sub-project on developing operations services  Initial prototype Basic monitoring tools Mail lists for problem resolution Working on defining policies for operation, responsibilities (draft document) Working on grid wide accounting  Monitoring: GridICE (development of DataTag Nagios-based tools) GridPP job submission monitoring Information system monitoring and consitency check  CERN GD daily re-certification of sites (including history)sites (including history) escalation procedure under development tracing of site specific problems via problem tracking tool tests core services and configuration

18 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 17 Screen Shots

19 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 18 Screen Shots

20 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 19 Problem Handling PLAN VO AVO BVO C GD CERN GGUS (Remedy) GOC P-Site-1 S-Site-1S-Site-2 P-Site-2 S-Site-2S-Site-1 Triage: VO / GRID Monitoring/Followup Escalation

21 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 20 Community Problem Handling Operation (most cases) VO A VO B VO C GD CERN GGUS GOC P-Site-1 S-Site-1S-Site-2 S-Site-1 Triage Monitoring FAQs Rollout Mailing List Monitoring Certification Follow-Up FAQs S-Site-3

22 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 21 Problem Tracking GGUS: REMEDY Middleware problems: SAVANNAH LCG-OPERATION Re-certification: SAVANNAH LCG-SITES Many (MOST) problems only tracked by e-mail Much confusion on where to put problems Training needed to get reasonable 1st level user support  canned answers  experts need to focus on more complex tasks Unification of FAQs (RAL, Taipei, Italy, …)

23 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 22 EGEE Impact on Operations The available effort for operations from EGEE is now ramping up:  LCG GOC (RAL)  EGEE CICs and ROCs, + Taipei Hierarchical support structure  Regional Operations Centres (ROC) One per region (9) Front-line support for deployment, installation, users  Core Infrastructure Centres (CIC) Four (+ Russia next year) Evolve from GOC – monitoring, troubleshooting, operational “control” –“24x7” in a 8x5 world ???? Also providing VO-specific and general services  EGEE NA3 organizes training for users and site admins “NOW” at HEPiX  Address common issues, experiences “Operations and Fabric Workshop”  CERN 1-3 Nov

24 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 23 PART II Operation models  How much can be delegated to whom? autonomy/ availability  What are the consequences? cost for 24/7 with 8x5 staff  One/multiple models for all sites/regions?  One model for site integration, update, user support, security, operation? latency, efficiency, distribution of workload …..  One size fits all?  Next slides are meant to stimulate discussions not give answers

25 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 24 CICs and ROCs and Operations Core Infrastructure Centers (CICs)  run services like RBs, Information Indices, VO/VOMS, Catalogues  are the distributed Grid Operation Center (GOC)  and more…. Regional Operation Centers (ROCs)  coordinate activities in their region  give support to regional RCs  coordinate setup/upgrades  and more.. Resource Centers (RC)  computing and storage Operation Management Center (OMC)  coordination

26 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 25 Model I Strict Hierarchy CICs locates a problem with a RC or CIC in a region  triggered by monitoring/ user alert CIC enters the problem into the problem tracking tool and assigns it to a ROC ROC receives a notification and works on solving the problem  region decides locally what the ROC can to do on the RCs. This can include restarting services etc. The main emphasis is that the region decides on the depth of the interaction. ===> different regions, different procedures  CICs NEVER contact a site.====> ROCs need to be staffed all the time  ROC does it is fully responsible for ALL the sites in the region

27 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 26 Model I Strict Hierarchy Pro:  Best model to transfer knowledge to the ROCs all information flows through them  Different regions can have their own policies this can reflect different administrative relation of sites in a region.  Clear responsibility until it is discovered it is the CICs fault then it is always the ROCs fault Cons:  High latency even for trivial operations we have to pass through the ROCs  ROCs have to be staffed (reachable) all the time. $$$$  Regions will develop their own tools parallel strands, less quality  Excluded for handling security

28 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 27 Model II Direct Com. Local Contr. ROCs are active in:  the follow-up of problems that take longer to handle  setup of sites CICs are active in:  handling problems that can be solved by simple interactions communicated directly between CICs and RCs –ROCs are informed on all interactions between CICs and RCs –all problems are entered into the problem tracking tool. restarting of services, etc. are handled by the RCs

29 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 28 Model II Direct Com. Local Contr. Pros:  Resources are not lost for trivial reasons  Principe of local control is maintained  ROCs are in the loop, but weak ROCs can't create too severe delays  No complex tools for communication management needed mail + IRC sufficient Cons:  RCs need to be reachable at all times not realistic, and very expensive €€€€€€€€€€  CICs have to be aware of the level of maturity of O(100) RCs  ROCs have to monitor what is going on to learn the trade  Language problems between the CICs and sysadmins  Unclear responsibility "This was reported" / "Why didn't the CICs fix it them self"

30 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 29 Model III Direct Com. Direct Contr. Like Model II with some modifications  CICs have access to the services on the RCs can, if the RC is not staffed, manage some of the services site publishes at any time –whether the local support is reachable or not –what actions are permitted by the CICs. all interactions are logged and reported to RC and ROC –Some tools that allow very controlled (limited) access like this are under development (GSI enabled remote SUDO) Variation with ROCs only interaction (IIIa)

31 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 30 Model III Direct Com. Direct Contr. Pros:  Resources are not lost for trivial reasons  ROCs are in the loop, but weak ROCs can't create too severe delays  One set of tools for remote operation some uniformity ---> chance for better quality  Site decides at any time on balance between local/remote operation  RCs can be run for (short) time unattended Cons:  Set of tools for secure limited remote operation respecting the sites policies has to be put in place  ROCs have to monitor what is going to learn the trade  Unclear responsibility "This was reported" / "Why didn't the CICs fix it them self"

32 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 31 Sample UseCases User reports jobs failing on one site User reports jobs failing on some/all sites Monitoring shows site dropping in and out of the IS An acute security incident Upgrading to a new version Post mortem after the security incidents ……. Good preparation for the Operations Workshop

33 HEPIX 2004 BNL CERN IT-GD 22 October 2004 32 Summary LCG-2 services have been supporting the data challenges  Many middleware problems have been found – many addressed  Middleware itself is reasonably stable Biggest outstanding issues are related to providing and maintaining stable operations Future middleware has to take this into account:  Must be more manageable, trivial to configure and install  Management and monitoring must be built into services from the start on Outcome of the workshop in November is crucial for EGEE operation

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