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California Off-road Mobile Source Technology Review JOHN DEERE LE ENGINE TECHNOLOGY John Deere Consumer Products February 2, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "California Off-road Mobile Source Technology Review JOHN DEERE LE ENGINE TECHNOLOGY John Deere Consumer Products February 2, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Off-road Mobile Source Technology Review JOHN DEERE LE ENGINE TECHNOLOGY John Deere Consumer Products February 2, 2000

2 2 Feb 20002 Handheld Products

3 2 Feb 20003 Emissions Performance * * Certification value for Deere 125-hour engine

4 2 Feb 20004 Certification Certified for durability period of 125 hours Required same level of maintenance as current 25 cc engine –No catalyst to replace –No valve train, so no need for lash adjustment Power was constant at.95 hp DF of 1.1 Low NO x of less than 2 g/hp-hr Fuel efficient with low CO 2

5 2 Feb 20005 Fuel Consumption

6 2 Feb 20006 Component Comparison Between JDCP & Standard Two stroke –Injector –Injection Tube Standard JDCP LE Engine LE Technology

7 2 Feb 20007 JDCP 25 cc Engine Standard 25 cc Engine Prototype LE 25 cc Engine

8 2 Feb 20008 Fuel & air is drawn into crankcase Only Air is drawn into crankcase Low Emission Engine Technology

9 2 Feb 20009 Crankcase is filled with air/fuel Crankcase is filled with air while mixture injection tube draws fuel Low Emission Engine Technology

10 2 Feb 200010 Air/fuel mixture compressed in Air is compressed in crankcase crankcase and fuel is compressed in injection tube Low Emission Engine Technology

11 2 Feb 200011 Air/fuel mixture is forced through Only air is forced through transfer transfer ports into combustionports into combustion chamber chamber. Expansion gases compress fuel in injection tube. Low Emission Engine Technology

12 2 Feb 200012 Air/fuel mixture escapes through Fuel injection starts. Only air exhaust port through exhaust Low Emission Engine Technology

13 2 Feb 200013 Lubrication Introduces small portion of fuel/oil mixture into the crankcase Operates in high viscosity oil mist environment versus standard flooded condition No bearing failures or evidence of poor lubrication

14 2 Feb 200014 Fuel Delivery System Current fuel systems are based on the standard carburetor and address all operating modes of the engine

15 2 Feb 200015 Fuel System Vacuum Fuel System for Compressed Air Assisted Injection System

16 2 Feb 200016 Power LE prototypes of same displacement (25 cc) engines have demonstrated equivalent and improved power –25 cc LE engine produces almost 1 horsepower Power can be tailored using conventional engine design criteria –Port timing and size –Fuel system venturi/throttle bore size

17 2 Feb 200017 Weight Additional weight is insignificant LE parts adds about 40 grams (less than 2 ounces)

18 2 Feb 200018 Ambient Temperature Operation LE engine provides same operating performance as current carbureted engines across wide range of ambient temperatures

19 2 Feb 200019 Engine Temperatures No “new” heat management issues are presented with the LE Technology Good initial designs for heat management, as with typical commercial engines, will have fewer or no heat problems Engineering solutions are readily available LE engine certified at 125 hours of operation, demonstrating no heat problems

20 2 Feb 200020 Manufacturability Requires only Minimal cylinder modification New fuel delivery system, which will be commercially available Miscellaneous hardware LOW COST SOLUTION

21 2 Feb 200021 Advantages Lower cost Lower fuel consumption Comparable performance to other direct injected two stroke technologies Lower NO x, CO & CO 2 than 4 stroke technology Adaptable to larger displacement engines

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