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THE JOURNEY TO ENLIGHTENMENT BUDDHISM. THE JOURNEY OF SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA……. Founder of Buddhism: Siddhartha Gautama Was prophesized that he would either.

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2 THE JOURNEY OF SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA……. Founder of Buddhism: Siddhartha Gautama Was prophesized that he would either be a great king or a religious leader Was kept in his palace living a life of luxury until the age of 29 Left the palace and realized that many people suffer Desires lead to suffering

3 Siddhartha rejected palace life after seeing the suffering in the world. He went on a journey in search of ENLIGHTENMENT (Wisdom) 49 days of meditation and fasting lead him to his truths. Buddha – The Enlightened One.

4 BUDDHA’S BELIEFS Rejection of the Caste system! – Why is this appealing to poor Hindus? 4 Nobel truths: 1. Life is filled with suffering and sorrow 2. Desire and wants causes suffering 3. End desires to end suffering 4. Follow the 8-fold path


6 NIRVANA When people end all desires, and therefore end suffering, they will reach Nirvana (eternal peace) If they don’t end all desires and still suffer, they will be reincarnated.

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