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Welcome! Lauren O’Malley Spanish 1A & Spanish 1B Rooms 1, 2, 3, 38 New Paltz Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Lauren O’Malley Spanish 1A & Spanish 1B Rooms 1, 2, 3, 38 New Paltz Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Lauren O’Malley Spanish 1A & Spanish 1B Rooms 1, 2, 3, 38 New Paltz Middle School

2 Contact Information Voice Mail: 845-256-4000 ext. 69729 e-mail: Website: New Paltz School District Homepage → Middle School → Teachers → O’Malley, Lauren

3 Spanish Students will practice listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish to become proficient in the following topics of conversation: Classroom Personal identification House Family Numbers Time Weather In June 2015, Spanish 1B students will take the Proficiency Exam in Spanish! Seasons Clothing Community & Neighborhood Health & Welfare Shopping Meal-taking

4 Typical Class ~Pause at the table – check the “Take One” tray. ~Read directions for the “Do Now” & get started! Examples of “Do Now” activities: Scrambled sentences, draw & label, solve a problem, read a story, write a journal entry, etc.… ~Practice vocabulary and phrases for the day’s objective(s) / goal(s) through: short stories or situations: creating, asking, participation, and reading; modeling & repetition (flashcards, slideshows); conversation with a partner; reading novels; activities: songs, games, etc…; media: Youtube, websites, newsclips, etc…; movies followed by discussion. ~Prep Tasks are assigned as reinforcement of weekly objectives, each night except Fridays for Spanish 1B, every (other) night for Spanish1A in preparation for Quizzes. Prep Tasks are not optional. They must be done. They may be corrected and marked to indicate the number correct. If they are marked, this number will show, but it will not affect the average. If prep tasks are not completed, students may go to GOAL in the library after school to complete all unfinished prep tasks.

5 Use my website!!!!!

6 CALENDAR!! Sp 1B / gr7 = Blue ~~~~~~ Sp 1a / gr 6 = red check when absent! Has links to handouts, etc…

7 Parent Connect Please e-mail or call me if there are any questions! ABSMU – student was absent…needs to make up Students can re-take failed quizzes, but need to stay for extra help and come to me before the next quiz. --/100 (or any number ) means the score has not been entered yet (not a “zero”)

8 Extra Help and Enrichment Extra Help after school as needed Electronic Flashcards on my website Apps and websites – Links on my website to: Duolingo, Spanish 411, 123 Teach Me Spanish… Enrichment – actividades en español para hispanohablantes

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