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Organization of the Universe

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1 Organization of the Universe
Darnell wants to see if flies like honey or vinegar more. He puts out two bowls: one of honey, one of vinegar. Then, he counts how many flies land on each bowl. What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? What is one constant? Write in complete sentences! Don’t talk during the Catalyst!

2 Objectives By the end of today, all SWBAT… Describe the organization of the solar system Illustrate how planets move around the Sun Define how orbit size impacts year length

3 Organization of the universe
Agenda Catalyst review Homework review Organization of the universe Heliocentric model Revolution Exit Question

4 From smallest to largest
Key Point #1: The universe has many levels of organization Planet: mass that orbits a star Solar system: Many planets that orbit the same star Galaxy: Many solar systems together Milky Way Universe: all matter that exists in space

5 Planets

6 Solar system 8 planets in our solar system Mercury Venus Earth Mars
Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

7 Galaxy

8 Universe

9 Planet, Solar system, Galaxy or Universe
Who Am I???? Planet, Solar system, Galaxy or Universe

10 Universe, Galaxy, Solar system or Planet??
9 planets that rotate around the Sun

11 Universe, Galaxy, Solar system or Planet??
All matter that exists in space

12 Universe, Galaxy, Solar system or Planet??

13 Universe, Galaxy, Solar system or Planet?
Milky Way

14 Universe, Galaxy, Solar system or Planet??

15 Universe, Galaxy, Solar system or Planet??

16 Universe, Galaxy, Solar system or Planet??
More than one planet orbiting a star

17 Universe, Galaxy, Solar system or Planet??
Largest level of organization in space

18 Universe, Galaxy, Solar system or Planet??
Large than a planet, but smaller than a galaxy

19 Heliocentric? What that is?
Key Point #2: In our solar system, all planets rotate around the Sun in an ellipse Called the heliocentric model Helio = Centric=

20 Complete the classwork worksheet

21 1A. From the reading on the following page, answer these questions:
1.What is a theory? 2.What was the theory proposed before the heliocentric model? What did this theory state? 3.What evidence supported the geocentric model? 4.Who disproved the geocentric model? What was the evidence?

22 1B. Illustrate the geocentric theory
1C. Illustrate the heliocentric theory 1D. In words, compare and contrast the heliocentric and geocentric models

23 Key point #3: One year is determined by one complete orbit (or revolution) around the Sun
Farther away from Sun = longer year Closer away from Sun = shorter year


25 Which planet in the solar system has the longest year length?
Which planet in the solar system has the shortest year length? Mars has a longer year than Earth. Explain why this is so.  What would happen to Earth’s year length if it gradually starting moving away from the Sun? It takes Neptune 165 Earth years to revolve around the Sun

26 Homework Homework

27 Exit Questions Order these vocabulary words from largest to smallest: solar system, universe, galaxy, planet What is the difference between the geocentric and the heliocentric model? Which one is correct? What would happen to the length of Earth’s year if Earth’s orbit got LARGER? Explain why. Write in complete sentences! Don’t talk during the Exit Question!

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