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Chap. 4, Formal Grammars and Parsing J. H. Wang Oct. 19, 2015.

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1 Chap. 4, Formal Grammars and Parsing J. H. Wang Oct. 19, 2015

2 Outline Introduction Context-Free Grammars Properties of CFGs Transforming Extended Grammars Parsers and Recognizers Grammar Analysis Algorithms

3 Introduction A natural language’s grammar: to capture a small but important aspect of a sentence’s validity with respect to a natural language Regular sets: guiding the actions of automatically constructed scanner –Chap. 3 Grammar: guiding the actions of the parsers –Chap. 5, 6 Semantic analysis: enforcing programming language rules that are not easily expressed by grammars –Chap. 7, 8, 9

4 The Role of the Parser Lexical Analyzer Parser Symbol Table source program Parse treetoken Get next token Rest of Front End Intermediate representation

5 Context-Free Grammars Components: G=(N, ,P,S) –A finite terminal alphabet  : the set of tokens produced by the scanner –A finite nonterminal alphabet N: variables of the grammar –A start symbol S: S  N that initiates all derivations Goal symbol –A finite set of productions P: A  X 1 …X m, where A  N, X i  N , 1≤i≤m and m≥0. Rewriting rules Vocabulary V=N  –N  = 

6 CFG: recipe for creating strings Derivation : a rewriting step using the production A   replaces the nonterminal A with the vocabulary symbols in  –Left-hand side (LHS): A –Right-hand side (RHS):  Context-free language of grammar G L(G) : the set of terminal strings derivable from S

7 Notations Names Beginning with Represent Symbols In Examples UppercaseNA, B, C, Prefix Lowercase and punctuation  a, b, c, if, then, (, ; X, Y N  X i, Y 3 Other Greek letters(N  )* , , 

8 Or notation: –A   |  … |  –A   A   … A    A  =>  : one step of derivation using the production A   –=> + : derives in one or more steps –=>*: derives in zero or more steps S=>*  :  is a sentential form of the CFG SF(G): the set of sentential forms of G L(G)={w  *|S=> + w} –L(G)=SF(G)  *

9 Two conventions that nonterminals are rewritten in some systematic order –Leftmost derivation: from left to right –Rightmost derivation: from right to left

10 Leftmost Derivation A derivation that always chooses the leftmost possible nonterminal at each step –=> lm, => + lm, =>* lm –A left sentential form A sentential form produced via a leftmost derivation E.g. production sequence in top-down parsers (Fig. 4.1)


12 E.g: a leftmost derivation of f ( v + v ) –E => lm Prefix ( E ) => lm f ( E ) => lm f ( v Tail ) => lm f ( v + E ) => lm f ( v + v Tail ) => lm f ( v + v )

13 Rightmost Derivations The rightmost possible nonterminal is always expanded –Canonical derivation –=> rm, => + rm, =>* rm –A right sentential form A sentential form produced via a rightmost derivation E.g. produced by bottom-up parsers (Ch. 6) (Fig. 4.1)

14 E.g: a rightmost derivation of f ( v + v ) –E => rm Prefix ( E ) => rm Prefix ( v Tail ) => rm Prefix ( v + E ) => rm Prefix ( v + v Tail ) => rm Prefix ( v + v ) => rm f ( v + v )

15 Parse Trees Parse tree: graphical representation of a derivation –Root: start symbol S –Each node: either grammar symbol or λ –Interior nodes: nonterminals An interior node and its children: production –E.g. Fig. 4.2


17 Phrase of the sentential form: a sequence of symbols descended from a single nonterminal in the parse tree A simple or prime phrase : a phrase that contains no smaller phrase Handle of a sentential form: the leftmost simple phrase E.g. f ( v Tail ) in Fig. 4.2

18 Other Types of Grammars Regular grammars: less powerful Context-sensitive and unrestricted grammars: more powerful

19 Regular Grammars A CFG that is limited to productions of the form A  aB or C  d –RHS: either a symbol from  {λ} followed by a nonterminal symbol, or a symbol from  {λ} –Regular set E.g. {[ i ] i |i>=1} not regular –S  T T  [ T ] | λ Regular sets are a proper subset of the context-free languages

20 Beyond Context-Free Grammars Context-sensitive grammar: nonterminals are rewritten only when they appear in a particular context (  A    ), provided the rule never causes the sentential form to contract in length Unrestricted grammar (type-0 grammar): the most general

21 More powerful, but less useful –Efficient parsers for such grammars do not exist –It’s difficult to prove properties about such grammars CFGs: a nice balance between generality and practicability

22 Properties of CFGs Some grammars might have problems: –Include useless symbols –Allow multiple, distinct derivations for some input string –Include strings not in the language, or exclude strings in the language

23 Reduced Grammars Each of its nonterminals and productions participates in the derivation of some string – Useless nonterminals: can be safely removed –E.g. S  A | B A  a B  B b C  c –Algorithms to detect useless nonterminals Ex.16 and Ex.19

24 Ambiguity Allow a derived string to have two or more different parse trees –E.g. Expr  Expr – Expr | id Two different parse trees for id – id – id –Fig. 4.3 –No algorithm for checking an arbitrary CFG for ambiguity Undecidable


26 Faulty Language Definition Terminal strings derivable by the grammar do not correspond exactly to the strings in the language Determining in general whether two CFGs generate the same language is an undecidable problem

27 Transforming Extended Grammars BNF (Backus-Naur form) –Optional symbols: enclosed in square brackets A   [ X 1 …X n ]  –Repeated symbols: enclosed in braces B   { X 1 …X m }  –E.g. Java-like declaration Declaration  [final][static][const] Type identifier {, identifier } –Transforming extended BNF grammars into standard form Fig. 4.4


29 Parsers and Recognizers Recognizer: to determine if input string x  L(G) Parser: to determine the string’s validity and structure (parse tree) –Top-down: starting at the root, expanding the tree in a depth-first manner Preorder traversal, predictive –Bottom-up: starting at the leaves Postorder traversal

30 E.g. grammar –Program  begin Stmts end $ Stmts  Stmt; Stmts | λ Stmt  simplestmt | begin Stmts end –String: begin simplestmt; simplestmt; end $ Top-down parse: Fig. 4.5 Bottom-up parse: Fig. 4.6



33 Parsing techniques –E.g. LL(1), LR(1) are the best-known top- down and bottom-up parsing strategies L: token sequence is processed from left to right L,R: Leftmost or Rightmost parse 1: the number of lookahead symbols

34 Grammar Analysis Algorithms Grammar representation –Programming language constructs assumed: A set : an unordered collection of distinct entities A list : an ordered collection of entities An iterator : a construct that enumerates the contents of a set or list –Observations Symbols are rarely deleted from a grammar Transformations can add symbols and productions to a grammar Typically visit all rules for a nonterminal, or visit all occurrences of a symbol in productions A production’s RHS processed one symbol at a time –-> a production is represented by LHS and RHS symbols

35 Grammar Utilities Creating or adding: –Grammar(S) –Production(A, rhs) –Nonterminal(A) –Terminal(x) Iterators: –Productions() –Noterminals() –Terminals() –RHS(p) –LHS(p) –ProductionsFor(A) –Occurrences(X) –Tail(y) Others –IsTerminal(X) –Production(y)

36 Deriving the Empty String It’s common to determine which nonterminals can derive λ –Not trivial because the derivation can take more than one step A=>BCD=>BC=>B=> λ –Fig. 4.7


38 The algorithm establishes two structures –RuleDerivesEmpty(p) –SymbolDerivesEmpty(A) –Useful in grammar analysis and parsing algorithms in Chap.4, 5, & 6

39 First Sets The set of all terminal symbols that can begin a sentential form derivable from the string  –First(  )={ a  |  =>*a  } –We never include λ in First(  ) even if  =>*λ –E.g. (in Fig.4.1) First(Tail) = {+} First(Prefix) = {f} First(E) = {v, f, (} –Fig.4.8, Fig. 4.9, Fig. 4.10




43 Follow Sets The set of terminals that can follow a nonterminal A in some sentential form –For A  N, Follow(A) = {b  |S=> +  Ab  } –The right context associated with A –Fig. 4.11




47 First and Follow sets can be generalized to include strings of length k –First k (  ), Follow k (A) –Useful in parsing techniques that use k- symbol lookaheads (e.g. LL(k), LR(k))

48 More on FIRST and FOLLOW [Aho, Lam, Sethi, Ullman] Two functions FIRST and FOLLOW allow us to choose which production to apply, based on the next input symbol FIRST(  ): the set of terminals that begin strings derived from  –Ex: A=>* c , c is in FIRST(A) FOLLOW(A): the set of terminals a that can appear immediately to the right of A in some sentential form –Ex: S =>*  Aa 

49 To compute FIRST(X) for all grammar symbols X –If X is a terminal, FIRST(X)={X} –If X is a nonterminal and X  Y 1 Y 2 …Y k, then place a in FIRST(X) if for some i, a is in FIRST(Y i ) and Y 1 …Y i-1 =>* λ –(If X  λ is a production, add λ to FIRST(X)) –(NOTE: In [Fischer 2009], never including λ in First(X) even if X =>*λ)

50 To compute FOLLOW(A) for all nonterminals A –(Place $ in FOLLOW(S)) (Note: $ not needed in [Fischer 2009]) –If there’s a production A   B , then everything in FIRST(  ) except λ is in FOLLOW(B) –If there’s a production A   B, or A   B , where FIRST(  ) contains λ, then everything in FOLLOW(A) is in FOLLOW(B)

51 Example Ex: (4.28) –E  T E’ E’  + T E’ | λ T  F T’ T’  * F T’ | λ F  (E) | id –FIRST(F)=FIRST(T)=FISRT(E)={(,id} –FIRST(E’)={+} –FIRST(T’)={*} –FOLLOW(E)=FOLLOW(E’)={)} –FOLLOW(T)=FOLLOW(T’)={+,)} –FOLLOW(F)={+,*,)}

52 Thanks for Your Attention!

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