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Medford High School Mr. David Ambrose Yearbook Thursday, September 19, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Medford High School Mr. David Ambrose Yearbook Thursday, September 19, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medford High School Mr. David Ambrose Yearbook Thursday, September 19, 2013

2 A Little About Me 32 years old 10 th year teaching at Medford High School English 11 Honors English 10 Honors and English 10 Standard Yearbook Proud father to Ben and Charlotte (also students!) UMass Amherst ’03, B.A. English and Journalism UMass Amherst ’04, M.Ed.

3 What do these schools have in common? University of Massachusetts University of Delaware University of Maryland Providence College Boston College The College of the Holy Cross Brown University Harvard University

4 Brown University Study The number one thing a high school student can do to increase his/her potential for admission to an Ivy League school is to become an editor on the yearbook staff.

5 Leadership Team Jamie Traverse Rob Keith Kelly Foley And other students who will emerge! Jamie, Rob, and Kelly have already been terrific in assuming leadership roles in class.

6 A student-run organization No outside financial support All revenue is generated from book sales, ad sales, and other fund-raising Production of a 144 page color hardbound book with a budget of about $22K Our yearbook representative Tom Keeley has already asked if he can use some of the content that we have created.

7 Yearbook and the Curriculum Our state has recently adopted a new curriculum, rooted in the Common Core Curriculum. This curriculum is perfectly suited to what we do in Yearbook class. W.11-12.6 Use technology, including the internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products.

8 How do we create the book? An internet-based publishing tool Pretty much everything I know about computers is from my experience as an editor of my high school newspaper Daily Agenda and Objectives

9 Index Cards Your name and your child’s name Is there anything you want me to know so that I may be a better teacher for your child? Is there anything you would like to share about your child’s personality, interests, or previous academic experiences?

10 Thank you for coming!

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