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I NTRODUCTION TO P HYSICAL S CIENCE. O BJECTIVES  Describe the main branches of natural science and relate them to each other  Describe the relationship.

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2 O BJECTIVES  Describe the main branches of natural science and relate them to each other  Describe the relationship between science and technology  Distinguish between scientific laws and scientific theories  Explain the roles of models and mathematics in scientific theories and laws

3 H OW DOES SCIENCE TAKE PLACE ?  Scientists investigate  Scientist plan experiments  Scientists observe  Scientists always test results

4 S CIENTISTS I NVESTIGATE  How do scientists investigate?  Observations using all of their senses  Research  Using tools & technology

5 S CIENTISTS PLAN EXPERIMENTS  How do scientists plan experiments?  Develop a hypothesis that can be tested  Set up a control  Collect data and record results accurately

6 Natural Science Biological Science BotanyZoologyEcology Physical Science PhysicsChemistry Earth Science GeologyMeteorology B RANCHES OF S CIENCE

7 T ECHNOLOGY  Is a system of applied science  It is also the means by which a society provides its members with those things needed and desired  It allows us to do things more efficiently and effectively

8 L EONARDO D A V INCI How close was Da Vinci to modern technology with these devices?

9 S CIENTIFIC L AWS & T HEORIES  Scientific Law: is the summary of many experimental observations and results  Scientific Theory: is an explanation for specific phenomena that is based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning

10  Scientific laws & theories are supported by experimental results  Scientific theories are always being questioned and examined.  They must pass several tests in order to be considered valid S CIENTIFIC L AWS & T HEORIES

11 T ESTS FOR T HEORY V ALIDITY  A theory must explain observations clearly and consistently  Experiments that illustrate a theory must be repeatable  You must be able to predict from the theory

12 L AW OR T HEORY ?  Gravity  Relativity  Plate tectonics  Conservation of energy  Atoms  Motion  Gases  Kinetic energy  Evolution  Law  Theory  Law  Theory  Law  Theory

13 Q UALITATIVE S TATEMENTS VS. Q UANTITATIVE S TATEMENTS  Qualitative statements describe in words something that you have seen many times  Quantitative statements are usually mathematical equations

14  Model: a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system, or concept Models

15 T YPES OF S CIENTIFIC M ODELS  Physical: models you can touch  Mathematical: a model made up of math equations  Conceptual: are a system of ideas or a comparison with familiar things Example: The Big Bang Theory What about computer models?

16 S UMMARY  Scientist make objective observations  Scientists confirm results by repeating experiments  Scientists learn more by designing and conducting new experiments  Scientific laws and theories are supported by repeated experiments and can change  Models are used to represent real situations and make predictions

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