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Transportation Topics Presented to FAPT Midyear Transportation Directors Meeting February 9, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation Topics Presented to FAPT Midyear Transportation Directors Meeting February 9, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation Topics Presented to FAPT Midyear Transportation Directors Meeting February 9, 2006

2 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Here we go… (in no particular order) Legislation, 2005 and 2006 Security Issues Head Start Regs Summer VPK Federal Physical Standards Ag Trucks

3 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Here we go… (in no particular order) FAPT-recommended State Board Rules SESPTC and Scholarship Opportunity S-endorsement and DHSMV Records STMS Customer Survey School Bus Bid Renewal and New Bid OTETA Bid Reprocurement

4 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Here we go… (in no particular order) Review of Crashes and Reporting Videos and Confidentiality Misc. Surveys and Results Reporting of Student Data for Funding Funding and Growth Trends Monitoring Process (incl. ESE)

5 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Here we go… (in no particular order) New Director Orientation School Bus Quality and Delivery Vendor Qualifications Process Charter Schools and Funding Issues Use of Buses in Emergencies O2, CSRSs, and Kelsey Ryan Act

6 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Here we go… (in no particular order) Bus Inventory and HazWalk Databases Bus Specs Updates Hybrids, ULSD, Bio-diesel Midyear Part and Service Wrap-up Online Testing of Bus Inspectors Technician Training Driver Recruitment

7 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Here we go… (in no particular order) NCST Wrap-up Sexual Offenders and Predators

8 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Legislation 2005 Only two significant bills: Implementing legislation for S- endorsement Appropriations: $451,431,961 Significant FAPT input into two failed bills to remove lap belts requirement FAPT Position on safety restraints

9 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Legislation 2006 99 and 622- Diana Kautz Safety Sponsors Act 91- Proximity of sexual offenders to bus stops Appropriations from EOG: $459,627,701 359 and 1050- Driver cost-of-living increase

10 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Security Issues School Bus Watch program introduced in Osceola County TSA has developed materials for use in school districts TSA developing on-site security assessment program National associations promoting training and funding

11 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Head Start Regs Deadline for requirement to transport in school buses or AAVs extended to 6/30/06 Waivers may be granted from CSRSs and required attendants if “significant disruption (in program) and in best interests of children involved.”

12 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Summer VPK Nearly all districts will offer the 300 hour summer Voluntary Pre-K program Per student funding of $2,500 X DCD Too early to accurately predict #s Very few districts will offer transportation FDOE planning tool available

13 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Federal Physical Standards Implemented in Florida by s.1012.45 Recent changes by FMCSA lower blood pressure thresholds SAFETEA-LU requires expanded exemption program for diabetes Our own Miss Kay to provide details…

14 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Use of Ag Trucks Next segment of program…

15 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting FAPT-recommended SBER Reviewed by FDOE management Returned for revisions to 6A-3.0121 on parental responsibilities More to come in next segment of program and in possible FAPT business vote tomorrow…

16 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting SESPTC Scholarship Opportunity SE States Conference offering $1,000 scholarship to each state To support 2006-07 higher ed expenses Max. income limit of $60K Parent or guardian employed in public school transportation for five years FAPT will discuss FL implementation

17 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting S-endorsement and Driver Records How are we doing on S-endorsement compliance? Discussion of topics from floor…

18 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting STMS Customer Survey 58 responses to date (of 400) 21 of these from trans. directors High interest in state bids for video systems, parts, tires, fuel Service delivery: strong on phone, email, conferences; weak on web apps, onsite visits, individual in-service

19 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting School Bus Bids Renewal complete with Thomas; solicitation from BB, IC reissued New bid (normal timelines) in progress Renewal is current pricing New bid will be for post-emissions buses with upgraded specs; most estimates are min. $5K increase

20 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting OTETA Reprocurement Current contract with FirstLab expires Sept. 30, 2006 Dept. will not simply renew or extend current contract Small team of FAPT advisors helping us explore options Ronnie, take it from here, please…

21 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Crashes and Safety 2005-06 to date: 11 fatalities in “other vehicle”; one pedestrian Includes 7 children in tragic Union County truck-car crash 2004-05: 1 fatality on-board bus; 2 in other vehicle; 1 pedestrian hit by other vehicle; 2 peds by bus in load. zone; 1 ped by bus not in load. zone; others not classified as school bus related

22 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Crashes and Safety Nationally, 20 deaths in loading zone in 2004-05, incl. 14 by own bus. FDOE implementing greater accountability measures for crash reporting School buses remain far safer than other modes

23 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Videos and Confidentiality FL law classifies videos on bus as student records May be shown if personally identifiable information is redacted FL Supreme Court refused appeal of ruling that districts do not have to release Most videos in media come from law enforcement sources; districts advised to notify agencies of student records law

24 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Surveys, surveys, surveys! Floor discussion of various survey results from “surveyors” FDOE surveys index (handout) to be updated periodically

25 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Funding Reporting Stay tuned for Friday workshop from EIAS and OFFR…

26 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Funding and Cost Trends Between 1995 and 2004: State funding $$$ increased 21% Trans. cost increased 50% % reimbursement decreased from 66% to 53% (steady decline) # of eligible transported students increased 13% # of miles traveled increased 20%

27 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Monitoring and Charter Schools Stay tuned for this afternoon’s session…

28 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting 14 th NCST Thanks to Karen Strickland, Mike Connors, Jerry Klein, Linda Fultz, Bill Schroyer (your esteemed FL delegation) Thanks to Chuck Stevenson, Jean Zimmerman, Mike Connors for service on writing committees 2005 NSTSP now in print; soon on web

29 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting

30 February 9, 2006 FAPT Mid-year Transportation Directors Meeting Other topics? Discussion throughout meeting today and tomorrow as time allows…

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