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CG Agenda Items FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update Ken Shaffer FGDC OS Deputy Executive Director 703-648-5740 September.

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Presentation on theme: "CG Agenda Items FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update Ken Shaffer FGDC OS Deputy Executive Director 703-648-5740 September."— Presentation transcript:

1 CG Agenda Items FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update Ken Shaffer FGDC OS Deputy Executive Director 703-648-5740 September 10, 2013 Coordination Group Meeting 9-9-13 v2

2 Background This presentation contains information that supplements a set of read-aheads on the topics covered in the CG meeting and will be used as a walk-though of all the topics at the CG meeting. Use this presentation before reviewing the read-aheads in order to gain context. Materials will not be presented in full at the meeting, it is the responsibility of the attendees to review the material prior to the meeting, as per CG standard operating procedures. CG Agenda Items - Items on the Coordination Group (CG) agenda with references to any read-ahead materials FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update - Current FGDC initiatives/activities 2

3 CG Agenda Items Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee Report Vegetation Subcommittee Report Users/Historical Data Work Group Report Leadership Dialogue with DOI Assistant Secretary for Water and Science NSDI Strategic Plan Update - No Federal Only Session – 3

4 Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee Report Presentation Contact: Tony LaVoi, NOAA, Read ahead: Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee Report - Tony LaVoi 4

5 Presentation 5 Contact: Marianne Burke, FS, Read aheads: Vegetation Subcommittee Update - Marianne Burke Vegetation Subcommittee Report

6 Users/Historical Data WG Report Presentation 6 Contact: Colleen Cahill, LoC, Read ahead: Users-Historical Data Work Group Report - Colleen Cahill

7 Leadership Dialogue Remarks from and dialogue with Anne Castle, Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, Department of Interior; Chair, FGDC 7 Read ahead: None

8 NSDI Strategic Plan Update on development of NSDI Strategic Plan 8 Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, Read ahead: NSDI Strategic Plan - John Mahoney.pptx

9 No Fed-Only Session Today There will not be a Fed-Only session this afternoon, due to a scheduling conflict. The meeting will conclude at 12:00 p.m. EDT. 9

10 FGDC Committee Reports Committees’ Decisions Summary CG and SC Monthly Membership Changes Steering Committee Executive Committee National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC) Next Coordination Group Meeting 10

11 Committees’ Decisions Summary Executive Committee Meeting – 8/1/13 Meeting David Alexander (DHS), Dan Cotter, Adrian Gardner (NASA), and Jerry Johnston (DOI) will work together to develop a draft charter including the vision for HIFLD/FGDC alignment and additional document for the next steps, including the possibility of an MOU. The proposed charter will be shared with the ExCom by November 1. Dan Cotter (DHS) and Jim Bjostad (NGA) will bring recommendations back to the ExCom on the next steps regarding FirstNet. Adrian Gardner (NASA) will share the proposed A-16 Implementation Plan outline with ExCom, and will also share the geospatial investment definition (with ExCom members’ revisions) with NGAC. Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none 11

12 Committees’ Decisions Summary Steering Committee – 6/13/13 Meeting Steering Committee members were asked to ensure that their agency responses to the FGDC memo sent through the Presidential Management Council to Deputy Secretaries were provided by June 20. Steering Committee members were asked to provide feedback on the draft NSDI Strategic Plan by June 24. Ivan DeLoatch, Jerry Johnston (DOI), Scott Bernard (OMB), and Bob Austin (NGAC Chair) were asked to have a discussion on potential input by NGAC on the emergency response/first responder coordination issue. Via email: Steering Committee members were asked to provide feedback on the draft NSDI Strategic Plan V2 (public comment version) by August 21. Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none 12

13 CG and SC Monthly Membership Changes No membership changes occurred since the August CG meeting. 13 Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, Read Aheads: none

14 Steering Committee Next Scheduled Steering Committee Meeting: September 12, 2013 – 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the South Interior Auditorium. Attendance is by registration only. Please register with Arista by COB TODAY (Sept 10) if you plan on attending. Agenda  Leadership Update – FGDC Chair  NSDI Strategic Plan  HIFLD Proposal (FGDC Alignment/Infrastructure Data)  Governmental Units and Administrative and Statistical Boundaries Theme Report  Geospatial Platform  NGAC Meeting Summary  Leadership Remarks Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none 14

15 Executive Committee Met on August 1, 2013 at Main Interior Building Agenda Items:  HIFLD Proposal on FGDC Alignment  Background on FirstNet  NSDI Strategic Plan Update  A-16 Implementation Plan Update  Geospatial Platform Update  Info on Upcoming FGDC Meetings (Steering Committee, NGAC) and the 2013 FGDC Annual Report Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None 15

16 Sept 4-5, 2013 NGAC Meeting Agenda Topics Leadership Dialogue FGDC Update Geospatial Platform NSDI Strategic Landsat Advisory Group 3DEP Implementation NGAC Future Study Topics Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none 16

17 NSDI Strategic Plan DECISION: The NGAC adopted a resolution supporting the revised draft NSDI Strategic Plan and encouraging FGDC to take steps to implement the plan: “The NGAC supports the revised version of the draft NSDI Strategic Plan and encourages the FGDC to finalize the plan and take action to actively begin implementation. The NGAC welcomes additional opportunities to provide input and feedback on the implementation phase of the strategic plan.” ACTION: The NGAC will review the final version of the NSDI Strategic Plan when it is completed and will consider endorsement of the plan at the December 2013 NGAC meeting 17

18 DOI Secretarial Priorities DECISION: The NGAC adopted a resolution supporting Interior Secretary Jewell’s priority for the use of geospatial technology to promote and support better “Landscape Level Understanding” within the Department of the Interior and among its network of partner organizations: “The NGAC fully supports Secretary Jewell’s priority objective for “building a landscape level understanding” 1 by using GIS within the Department of the Interior (DOI) and throughout the network of partner organizations that share the mission of resource management and conservation in the Nation. The NGAC stands ready to provide support, recommendations and perspectives of the geospatial community on this important issue.” 18

19 3D Elevation Program DECISION: The NGAC adopted a resolution supporting the 3DEP Implementation Plan: “The NGAC approves the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) Summary Paper, endorses the direction of the 3DEP Implementation Plan, and encourages the USGS with its partners to actively implement the plan. The NGAC welcomes other opportunities to provide input and feedback to the 3DEP Initiative.” ACTION: The NGAC approved the Elevation Subcommittee’s paper summarizing the comments provided to USGS on the 3D Elevation Program Implementation Plan. 19

20 National Address Database DECISION: The NGAC adopted the following resolution: “The NGAC reiterates its strong support for the development of a National Address Database, commends the Department of Commerce for its efforts to further this initiative, and encourages the FGDC Steering Committee to coordinate the development of a sustainable funding strategy.” 20

21 Discussion – Future Study Topics ACTION: The NGAC reviewed draft papers identifying proposed study questions for the following topics: National Address Database Geospatial Education & Workforce Development Geolocation Privacy The FGDC will review and refine the proposed study questions and will provide additional guidance to the NGAC. 21

22 NGAC – Next Steps NGAC Nominations: FGDC will convene an interagency panel to review the 2013 nominations for appointment to the NGAC and develop recommendations to the office of the Secretary of DOI. The announcement of the new appointments is expected by December 2013. Continued Subcommittee activities to address FGDC guidance: Geospatial Platform Subcommittee, A-16 Subcommittee, Landsat Advisory Group, Future Study Topics Next NGAC meeting: Early December 2013 22

23 Next Coordination Group Meeting Tuesday, October 8, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern at NCPC and via webinar Metadata Subcommittee Report Geodetic Control Subcommittee Report Cultural Resources Work Group Report Presentation on All Roads Network Linear Referenced Data NSDI Strategic Plan Update -FED ONLY SESSION- Data Sets/Data Themes Geospatial Platform Next CG Meetings in 2013: 11/19, 12/10 Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none 23

24 FGDC Business Update GAO Actions Update Geospatial Line of Business and Geospatial Platform Update (by task and subtask) FGDC Annual Report FGDC Cooperative Agreements Program FGDC Standards Update 24

25 GAO Response Actions Update Action 1) Steering Committee to: Develop a plan with timeframe to facilitate the implementation of OMB’s portfolio management guidance Target Date: FY 2014, Q1 Responsible Officials: Adrian Gardner, NASA; Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC OS STATUS: Standing agenda item on ExCom, and SteerCom meetings Direction memo to agencies sent through the President’s Management Council from Anne Castle, FGDC Chair, June 7, 2013 Identify agency Theme Leads/Co-Leads, Theme Executive Champions, and staff to participate in the development and review of the plan Initial draft Implementation Plan outline has been developed Agencies need to identify Theme Lead representatives and CG members to complete the development of the initial plan Next Theme Lead’s meeting to be scheduled soon to discuss draft plan 25 Contact: Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none

26 A-16 Supplemental Guidance Implementation Plan Outline Executive Summary What is a Portfolio Scope of A-16 Portfolio Portfolio Management Approach and Timelines Implementation Processes, Actions, and Products Executive Management of the Portfolio Data Theme Management Data Set Management Metrics Expected Outcomes Tying to National Priorities and Initiatives 26

27 Implementation Plan Schedule 27 Timeframe Activity Feb 1 st Theme and dataset managers meeting to discuss approach Apr 4 Theme lead conference call June 6 FGDC Executive Committee Meeting Jun 7 Direction memo to agencies sent through the President’s Management Council from Anne Castle, FGDC Chair to Identify: Theme Leads/Co-Leads, Theme Executive Champions, staff to develop and review plan Jun 13 FGDC Steering Committee Meeting Jul 8 Implementation planning meeting Aug 30 Implementation Plan 1 st draft released for core team review Sep 12 Steering Committee Meeting and request for agency representatives to develop plan Sep 16 Distribute 1 st draft to Theme Leads and agency representatives Sep 23-27 Theme Leads/agency representatives meeting to develop and refine draft plan Oct 4 - 25 Distribute Implementation Plan to SteerCom/CoordGroup/NGAC for review/comment Oct 28-31 Theme Leads/agency reps adjudicate comments and develop Working Draft* *Plan implementation is supported by Geospatial Platform tools still to be developed. The working draft plan will be revised to align with actual implementation solutions as they are developed.

28 GAO Response Actions Update (cont.) Action 2) Steering Committee to: Develop and implement guidance and timeframe for identifying planned geospatial investments using the Geospatial Platform Target Date: FY 2013, Q4 Responsible Officials: Jerry Johnston, DOI STATUS: Development of the “Marketplace” community on the Geospatial Platform is progressing. Discussed as part of ExCom, and SteerCom meetings Geospatial Platform updates The shared Platform metadata catalog now supports “planned” tagging for records Capability to visualize geographic data collection areas in development 28

29 GAO Response Actions Update (cont.) Action 3) Steering Committee to: Create and update a strategic plan with timeframe and implement the plan within the established time frame Target Date: FY 2014, Q1 Responsible Officials: Dan Cotter, DHS; Ivan DeLoatch FGDC OS STATUS: Public comment period review of Version 2 closed. Third “leaders forum” held 8/26/13 for input. Primary discussion items at NGAC and Steering Committee meetings. Comments will be addressed and the Final Review Draft (V3) developed in Sept-Oct. Further details provided later in today’s meeting. 29

30 GAO Response Actions Update (cont.) “OMB and Agencies Need to Make Coordination a Priority to Reduce Duplication” GAO issued report GAO-13-94 Nov. 26, 2012 Several Recommendations for Departments of Commerce, Interior and Transportation One recommendation includes “Develop a policy that requires the department to make its geospatial metadata available on the clearinghouse” (pp.34-36) NOAA convened meeting with representatives invited from DOC, DOI, and DOT and FGDC OS to help facilitate addressing recommendation on August 22, 2013 Sharing department wide draft policies to identify commonalities and provide feedback 30 Contact: Anne Ball, NOAA, Read aheads: none

31 Geospatial Line of Business/Platform Managing Partner Activities: Continued to work with and respond to Partners regarding the FY13 collection cycle which support the FY14 activities  Please work to get Interagency Agreements completed. Currently only 26% of funding completed with 13 outstanding agreements.  Please cite Clinger Cohen as the funding authority on all agreements – this allows us to obligate partner funds to the project beyond a this fiscal year. Completed EVM and DOI E-Gov Investment Tracking reports Updated FY15 Funding Information and Supporting documentation in MAX Requested partner input for the FY14 E-Gov Benefits Report  Draft partner narrative must be posted in MAX by COB September 20, 2013. 31 Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None

32 FY13 Interagency Document Status current as of 9/6/13 (Pink highlight indicates pending completion such as signature submittal) Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None 32 AgencyPartner ContributionSenior Agency OfficialCIO Point of ContactCG Representative Date Agreement Signed Agriculture$225,000Stephen Lowe John M. Bebris & Barbara Lawton Marisa Capriotti Shirley Hall Betsy Kanalley Commerce$225,000Joseph F. Klimavicz Dan Rooney & Tim Trainor Tony Lavoi DoD - NGA$225,000Michelle MotskoJames Bjostad 6/26/13 Education$25,000Jack BuckleyChanel HicksTai Phan 7/24/13 Energy$50,000Teddy Dyer EPA$225,000Harvey SimonBrenda GibsonWendy Blake-Coleman6/28/13 GSA$50,000Angela SmithAutumn WallinJohn Sullivan4/3/13 HHS$50,000Keith TuckerStephanie Foster DHS$225,000Dan Cotter Richard Spires & George Begay Lew Summers8/20/13 HUD$50,000Joyce LittleAngela MorseJon Sperling Justice$50,000Nick LoulouCarla Aikens Labor$25,000 NARA$25,000Paul WesterJohn McIverBrett Abrams NASA$225,000Adrian GardnerGerald SmithMyra Bambacus NSF$25,000Ann E. SmithEdith Truvilion SBA$25,000Deborah AndersonDr. Noor 5/10/13 SSA$25,000Lew SandfordMike HigginsDavid Timmons7/2/13 State$50,000Cecelia HendersonCarolyn JohnsonCecelia Henderson Transportation$50,000Patricia HuTracey LancasterMark Bradford Treasury$25,000Jimmy Amoaka-AttaElaine BostonJimmy Amoaka-Atta5/10/13 USACE$50,000James DaltonJean GilleoNancy Blyler USAID$25,000Carrie StokesKen Kertula VA$25,000Dat P. Tran Pheakdey Lim6/10/13

33 Geospatial LoB/Platform Update Advancing the A-16 Efforts Added Enhancements to Theme Lead Collaboration Community on the GeoPlatform Continued support to Theme Leads and Dataset Managers on preparing NGDA metadata for harvesting in new Developed NGDA Administrative Maturity Questionnaire and Geospatial Data Lifecycle Evaluation Questionnaire Provided support for the development of A-16 Implementation Plan Assisted in preparation for next Theme Lead meeting 33 Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None

34 Geospatial LoB/Platform Update Platform Identified upcoming releases  1.4 – Home Page and Community/Agency  1.5 – Workflow Management  1.6 – Site and Community Content Management Established Marketplace Workgroup to identify and manage requirements for Sept 2013 implementation Established Site Content Workgroup to review, update, and approve content throughout the site 34 Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None

35 Geospatial LoB/Platform Update Platform (cont.) Welcomed Jim Irvine to the COMSO Team on August 19 th Tested and moved SAML SSO with GSA IDP to the production environment. Conducted meetings with stakeholders in the A-16 Communities to identify requirements and build prototype Developed Rules of Behavior  Development of the Rules of Behavior is on-going with input from various players 35 Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None

36 2013 FGDC Annual Report Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC, Read ahead: none 36 Thank you to all who contributed to the 2013 Annual Report. Initial draft has been completed and sent to USGS Editor for review Text and graphics will be submitted for layout design at the end of September A version for the CG to review will be available sometime around mid-to-end of October Last year’s Annual Report is available at: reports/annual%20reports/2012 reports/annual%20reports/2012

37 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) Announcement FGDC OS will not be soliciting projects for FY2013 or FY2014. A result of sequestration budget impacts, the Federal funding portion of this cost-share program is no longer available. The FY2013 announcement was delayed in order to explore all perceived options prior to canceling. Active projects will continue to be supported through their scheduled completions. 2014 would have marked the 20 th anniversary of this long- standing collaborative cost-share program between Federal and non-federal partners to advance the nation’s spatial data infrastructure. FGDC OS official announcement is on the FGDC website 37 Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC,, 703-648-5175

38 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) Announcement Since 1994, 707 awards representing over $22 million in Federal funding. Matched by over $14 million in funding from State, county, local, and tribal government academia, professional consortiums, non-profit, and private sector organizations. Many repeat awardees represent active NSDI partners. CAP has helped lay the foundation and provide the guidance for advancing the NSDI. Truly national in scope, cooperative agreements were executed by all 50 States, 2 territories, the District of Columbia, 8 tribal governments, and universities in 38 States. Categories adapted regularly to align with priorities and current initiatives – 45 categories to date. Foundational categories were consistently available: standards development, implementation, education, and outreach; metadata, data clearinghouses; and data services. In only the past seven years, over 2,600 persons have been trained in metadata alone; all CAP developed training materials are available online, to all. 38

39 FGDC Standards Update – September 2013 FGDC Standards Activities CAP Standards Projects INCITS L1/U.S. TAG Standards Activities OGC Standards Activities GWG Standards Activities Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, Read Aheads: None 39

40 FGDC Standards Activities, continued 2012-09-24 FGDC Standards WG meeting. Topics: For recommendation for FGDC endorsement  Web Feature Service (WFS) 2.0  Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) 5.1 For recommendation for withdrawal:  Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS), Parts 1-7 (all) For recommendation for discontinuation:  Earth Cover Classification Standard  Encoding Standard for Metadata  FGDC Profile(s) of ISO 19115  Content Standard for Framework Land Elevation Data Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, Read Aheads: None 40

41 CAP Standards Projects, continued Upcoming project progress calls 2013-09-17 “Transitioning to the FGDC Draft Geologic Map Database Standard: A Washington State Geologic Survey Pilot Project” - Washington State DNR 2013-09-18 "Enhancing Wetland Classification for the FGDC Wetland Mapping Standard in Montana“ – Montana Natural Heritage Program 2013-09-18 “Integrating the FGDC National Vegetation classification (NVC) Standard with the CNPS/CDFG Manual of California Vegetation, second edition” – California Native Plant Society 2013-09-19 “Building Capacity for Implementation of Distributed Online Metadata Catalogs in the Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network” – Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, Read Aheads: None 41

42 INCITS L1/U.S. TAG Standards Activities 2013-09-30 meeting at Esri, Vienna, VA Roll call votes at the L1/TAG meeting  For Draft International Standard (DIS) ISO/CD 19160-1, Addressing - Part 1: Conceptual model ISO/CD 19162, Well known text representation of coordinate reference systems  2013-3 Systematic Review of International Standard(s): ISO 19107:2003, Spatial schema ISO/TS 19127:2005, Geodetic codes and parameters  For recommendation to INCITS Executive Board (next slide) Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, Read Aheads: None 42

43 INCITS L1/U.S. TAG Standards Activities For recommendation to INCITS Executive Board  ISO/DIS 19154, Ubiquitous public access – Reference model  ISO/DIS 19103, Conceptual schema language  ISO/DIS 19135-1, Procedures for item registration — Part 1: Fundamentals  ISO/DIS 19110, Methodology for feature cataloguing  ISO/DIS 19136-2, Geography Markup Language (GML) — Part 2: Extended schemas and encoding rules  ISO/DIS 19150-2, Ontology – Part 2: Rules for developing ontologies in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, Read Aheads: None 43

44 INCITS L1/U.S. TAG Standards Activities Upcoming meetings 2013-11-01 L1/U.S. TAG 2013-11-11/15 ISO/TC211 37th Plenary and meetings, Redlands, CA Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, Read Aheads: None 44

45 OGC Standards activities 2013-09-05 Comments due on candidate OGC GeoPackage Standard- to increase cross-platform interoperability of geospatial applications and web services in the mobile world. 2013-09-07 Comments due on the candidate OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) Interface Standard Range Subsetting Extension - establishes a standard way to extract specific fields from the range set of a coverage in a WCS GetCoverage request. 2013-09-19 Comments due on the candidate WCS Scaling Extension - specifies parameters to the WCS GetCoverage request that provide control over scaling or retrieving gridded coverages in reduced resolution. For more information, see 2012-09-22 Comments due on candidate WCS Interpolation Extension - specifies parameters to the WCS GetCoverage request that provide control over interpolation of a coverage. For more information, see 45

46 OGC Standards Activities, continued 2013-09-23/27 TC/PC meetings – Italy 2013-10-01 Closing date on ballot to approve Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI) standard, which defines a means by which independently developed computer models of environmental processes can exchange data. 46 Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, Read Aheads: None

47 GWG Standards Activities 2013-09-26 Next GWG voting meeting Select topics  Sensor Web Enablement (SWE)  ISO 639, Codes for the representation of names of languages, Parts 2, 5, 6  Scheduled review Change Requests – many pertain to OGC standards 47 Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, Read Aheads: None

48 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 September 2013 Comments due on WCS Range Subsetting Extension CG CAP project progress calls: CA, MT Comments due on WCS Interpolation Extension OGC TC/PCSWG OGC TC/PC GWG OGC TC/PC INCITS L1/U.S. TAG CAP project progress calls: WA CAP project progress calls: OR Comments due on WCS Scaling Extension Comments due on GeoPackage 48

49 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 123456 78910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 October 2013 Closing date on ballot to approve OpenMI standard 49

50 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 252627282930 November 2013 INCITS L1/U.S. TAG ISO/TC 211 50


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