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Using Multi-Criteria Analysis in NCAP Water Projects : Context-Sensitive Practice with MCA-WEAP Bill Dougherty, SEI-Boston 9-13 May 2005 Akosomba, Ghana.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Multi-Criteria Analysis in NCAP Water Projects : Context-Sensitive Practice with MCA-WEAP Bill Dougherty, SEI-Boston 9-13 May 2005 Akosomba, Ghana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Multi-Criteria Analysis in NCAP Water Projects : Context-Sensitive Practice with MCA-WEAP Bill Dougherty, SEI-Boston 9-13 May 2005 Akosomba, Ghana

2 Overview Time: 3 hours +/- Aim: to help you become “expert navigators” of MCA-WEAP Outputs: a prioritized list of adaptation initiatives Plenary: Discussion of individual group results

3 Approach Split up into small groups of 2-3 Focus on previous watershed as vulnerable Consider 6 stakeholder types Consider 6 adaptation initiatives Choose 4 criteria from a list of criteria Assign criteria scores based on individual group discussions Use MCA-WEAP to calculate final scores and rankings (low, central, high)

4 Vulnerability Focus Type: watershed (I.e., region) Ecological zone: semi-arid (in Country N) Current climate hazards: more frequent single-year droughts, prolonged seasonal rainfall shortages Sensitivity of the region to the climate hazards: ???

5 Stakeholder Types Smallholders (<0.1 hectares per family) Pastorlists (goats & sheep) Traders (buyers/sellers) Agricultural extension workers Authority figures (local politicians or tribal leaders) One additional type

6 Adaptation Initiatives (consider all) Large dam Series of small dams Food storage silos Groundwater recharge boreholes More efficient water harvesting techniques using modern technology Capacity strengthening programs for enhancing traditional water management practices

7 Evaluation Criteria (choose only 4) Facilitate tourism Leads to greater water access Increase land productivity Represents new modern technology Strengthens local capacity for water management Maximizes use of traditional knowledge Stabilizes watershed population Enables community control of water prices Conducive to privatization Leads to greater exploitation of natural resources Promotes environmental security

8 Overall MCA-WEAP Tips Keep in mind that the model is still a Beta version Have a pad of paper handy and note any suggestions you might have as you work

9 Vulnerability Module Tips None

10 Stakeholder Module Tips Specify only 2 people per type Be brief

11 Initiative Module Tips For each of the 6 initiatives: identify 1 objective, List 3 essential activities, Provide a clear rationale for how the initiatives would increase resilience of region regarding climate change (2 sentences)

12 Criteria Module Tips Try to choose your 4 criteria so that they span the criteria types available in MCA- WEAP Insert low, central, and high scores - spend some time in discussing appropriate values

13 Weighting Module Tips Standardize the raw criteria scores first After weighting and assigning stakeholder consensus, review and confirm or change

14 Ranking Module Tips Review final scores first Review rankings Are the rankings different depending on the type of score? What does this mean?

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