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Let Libraries give you more, let us fill the Gap The potential for libraries to be health hubs for partners and public in our communities, it’s all about.

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Presentation on theme: "Let Libraries give you more, let us fill the Gap The potential for libraries to be health hubs for partners and public in our communities, it’s all about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let Libraries give you more, let us fill the Gap The potential for libraries to be health hubs for partners and public in our communities, it’s all about choice.

2 Speakers Kate Gielgud, Health Information Officer, Tri-borough libraries Chris Lloyd, Community Development Manager, Tri-borough libraries Anna Waterman, Senior Public Health Manager

3 What is the gap? Impacts libraries can have include mental wellbeing, ageing well, best start in life Church Street Library Bibliotherapy Group September 2015

4 Development of the Tri-borough Libraries Health Offer 2010 PCT Funding for a Westminster Libraries Health Information Worker 2013 Public Health Funding secured to make the role Tri-borough using Tri-borough public health contacts and bibliotherapy extended to all three boroughs 2014 Increasing the bibliotherapy offer and the Tri-borough work of the Libraries Health Information Worker Seeking to identify joint working projects with other services

5 What we do Main strands to our work in 2014-16: Bibliotherapy through the books on prescription scheme & Bibliotherapy Reading groups. Over 3000 attendances Health Information, hard copy and digital Health Promotion events Nearly 6000 people attended 600 health events in partnership with over 50 partners including the NHS health improvement team, others from voluntary and community groups and health charities ESOL for Health

6 Chris Lloyd Community Development Manager Tri-borough Libraries with Baffour from MIND

7 Early years nutrition event in under fives session

8 Identifying joint working projects Supporting people to take more responsibility – or control – whether that’s through joining a reading group, finding out about healthier eating or taking some first steps to start exercising – cultural services help people feel more engaged and make them more likely to do more Going to a library may help encourage someone participate in a group walk in the local park or take up the offer of a free swim. Recent research suggests that the cultural participation is worth the equivalent of a substantial pay rise but it’s more than that – it’s about motivation, engagement and pro-activity. Can libraries, parks, arts, sports and community centres work together to provide a continuum of activity that helps combat apathy, depression and low self-esteem? Healthy Walk in partnership with Westminster NHS Health Improvement Team

9 Why do health providers value libraries as a venue for health work? 21 libraries in the heart of local communities, many open 7 days per week including in or near areas of deprivation, Queens Park, North Kensington and White City 3.5 million visits a year and many more online and access to many lower income priority groups Trusted welcoming environment with access to computers, books, study facilities and information and a range of children’s and adult activities taking place Libraries undertake outreach work to deprived areas and have some specialist services such as a Bengali worker, Home Library Service, Chinese Services Librarian.

10 The Impacts of Libraries on Health Just using a library has health benefits The Core Offer Projects ‘West London CCG has found it extremely helpful in working with the library services in offering ESOL for Health. This has enabled the CCG to engage with population groups which we often do not hear from, local people are able to gain a skill as well as build a network. People are also learning how to access and use a library which is a life skill and supports reducing health inequalities’. Libraries can link into everything so we have a challenge of trying to do everything but possibly losing focus and credibility with this approach. Have been developing the libraries health offer over 5 years working closely with and being funded by Public Health

11 More quotes from partners 'With high blood pressure the biggest risk factor in the cause of stroke, and with at least four in ten strokes potentially preventable if high blood pressure was diagnosed and treated, offering free blood pressure checks in libraries is a great way in which to raise this awareness. No need for GP appointments, just drop-in. The library events are invaluable. Our thanks to Kate and her colleagues for providing us with these opportunities.‘ Barry, Stroke Association ‘Libraries are a community hub for residents where they can engage with the local community and like People First, our libraries informs, empowers, offers choice and inspires and enables people to lead active, ‘healthy’ inclusive lives.’ Karen, People First Website ‘We are promoting and providing our stop smoking services in libraries across the boroughs. The cooperation with libraries is great as they are well positioned and accessible within local communities. Also library staff are keen to help and enthusiastic about the health services provided’. Simon Kick, it Stop Smoking Service

12 Broader context: Local Authority Fiscal Climate Local authorities focusing increasingly on ensuring resources are used to best effect Some libraries present opportunity to co-locate a number of council services Some exploring co-location with NHS partners and/or voluntary/community sector Proposed Devolution of DWP Emphasis on integrating and enhancing support through the joint development of ‘local hubs’ and on securing improvements for most disadvantaged residents. Currently early stages but potential opportunities for co-location Complements work on skills development, job preparedness Westminster Health and Wellbeing Hubs programme Cabinet Member for Public Health chairing work re how services might be better integrated and targeted to facilitate engagement of those with greatest needs. Focus on three target groups: older people, young people and single homeless people with multiple needs.

13 Broader context: Public Health gain Evidence base Evidence base for hubs is patchy Difference models around London as well as nationally Keen to hear about co-location (with or without integration) elsewhere – health and/or social care and/or wellbeing services Gateway to a range of service Libraries a focal point of community Accessed by residents who may not otherwise be in touch with council services / facilities Accessed by residents who would benefit from prevention / early intervention Opportunity to capitalise on what are valuable resources to secure optimal impact Next steps Collating the evidence base – contributions please! Developing a detailed picture of current position in Westminster – who what where when Options appraisal leading to business case

14 Libraries now and in the future Relaxing, safe environments where residents are encouraged and enabled to address their health and wellbeing concerns, thereby becoming better able to operate independently and reducing reliance on public services.

15 Bibliotherapy in WCC libraries

16 Bibliotherapy in Hammersmith and Kensal Libraries


18 North Kensington Library

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