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Cell Cycle Graphic Organizer

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1 Cell Cycle Graphic Organizer
For this Activity You will Need: Blue Colored Pencil Red Colored Pencil Green Colored Pencil Lead Pencil

2 Goal of Cell Cycle THINK! – What is the goal of the Cell Cycle? Fill the answer into the box on your graphic organizer. To create 2 new cells each with the SAME number of DNA molecules (chromosomes) as the original cell and same size

3 1. Interphase 1. Interphase Cell Grows DNA Doubles

4 2. Mitosis A. Prophase (P=Prepare)
Centrioles A. Prophase (P=Prepare) Chromatin coils into duplicated chromosomes Nuclear Membrane disappears Spindle fibers shoot out from centrioles

5 2. Mitosis B. Metaphase (M=Middle)
Spindle Fibers B. Metaphase (M=Middle) Spindle fibers pull duplicated chromosomes to the middle of the cell Duplicated Chromosomes

6 2. Mitosis C. Anaphase (A=Apart)
Duplicated chromosomes split at centromere Fibers pull chromosomes to opposite ends of cell

7 2. Mitosis D. Telophase (T=Tear) Chromosomes uncoil into chromatin
Nuclear membrane reappears Spindle fibers disappear

8 3. Cytokinesis 3. Cytokinesis Cytoplasm & organelles divide
Cell splits into two new cells

9 Visualizing Mitosis VIDEO Websites
Mitosis - Hybrid Medical Animation Mitosis courtesy of Protein Lounge Animations Mitosis to Music - Animal Cell Mitosis in Real Time Breast Cancer Cells Dividing Glencoe Mitosis Animation Websites Mitosis with Music- Brain-Pop Clip (Mitosis) Cells Alive - Biology Corner

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