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My App. Learning Objectives To understand what is meant by an App To learn about the technology used by Apps To learn about different mobile technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "My App. Learning Objectives To understand what is meant by an App To learn about the technology used by Apps To learn about different mobile technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 My App

2 Learning Objectives To understand what is meant by an App To learn about the technology used by Apps To learn about different mobile technologies To develop teamwork and collaboration skills To learn how to use basic tools in Adobe Fireworks To learn how to use AppShed to create web Apps AppShed

3 Learning Outcomes A document outlining technology found in smartphones, tablets and Apps A completed App that works on a tablet or smartphone An evaluation

4 Research Task What is an app? How do I use apps? Create a list of 5 apps you have used this month. Create a list of some app features.

5 Tasks: Technology Get into a group of 2-4 people In your group discuss the following technology and how it is used in smartphone and tablet Apps o AR (Augmented Reality) o Camera o Location technology (GPS - Global Positioning System) o Microphone o Accessories

6 Video: AR

7 Video: iPad

8 Video: Galaxy Tab

9 Learning Appshed Basics

10 Video: Tutorials Click on the image for my AppShed cover tutorial playlist Alternatively go to the shared area on the intranet

11 Tasks: Create your App Form groups of two: You are to in your groups complete the ‘Student Log’ which can be found on the year 7 Blog. Follow the instructions on the blog. Your work will be due on the 3 rd of June.

12 Tasks: Evaluation Group Evaluation o Using feedback from your peers and your own opinion say what you liked and did not like about your presentation. o How well did you work as a group?  Good points  Bad points  How could you have worked better?

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