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The Renaissance and Reformation Chapter 17. The Renaissance Begins 17.1.

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1 The Renaissance and Reformation Chapter 17

2 The Renaissance Begins 17.1

3 I. The Italian Renaissance  What does Renaissance mean? The Renaissance in Europe – a rebirth of interest in art and learning – occurred between 1350 and 1550.  Though people were still religious, they celebrated human achievements and became more secular.  The Renaissance started in Italy There was wealth because of trade, so they could pay artists Italy was divided into city-states, so individuals wanted to create works that would increase the fame of their cities.

4  Florence and Venice were important to the rebirth.  The city-states provided more customers for artist to buy their work.

5 II. The Rise of Italy’s City-States  No one ruler was able to unite all of Italy. The Catholic Church wanted to prevent a strong ruler from controlling the Church. Small cities states were equally powerful and wealthy.  Italy was a perfect spot to trade with the French, Spanish, Dutch, English, Turks, Arabs, and Byzantines.

6  The Mongols protected the Silk Road. Marco Polo, a merchant from Venice, had published a book about his travel to the East.  Florence is the first city-state to grow wealthy. Florentine bankers became experts at valuing coins. They began to lend money and charge interest. The Medici family were bankers

7  Venice was the wealthiest city-state. Venice is built on a set of swampy islands. Venetians navigate their city by boat.

8 III. The Urban Noble  Noble families moved into cities and mixed with wealthy merchants there. Wealthy merchants copied the nobles’ manners, and soon the children of the merchants and nobles were marrying each other. These families became the urban upper class.  At first, the city-states were republics. Gradually they gave power to one man to run the gov’t.

9  In Venice, the doge had power.  Later, the doge lost power to a small groups of nobles.  In Florence, the Medici family gained power and ruled for many years.  To deal with other city-states, Italian rulers developed diplomacy.

10  Niccolo Machiavelli, a diplomat in Florence, thought people were too greedy and self- centered. He thought rulers should not try to be good, but should do whatever is necessary to keep power and protect a city. The Prince

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