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Evidences of Evolution. Fossils zThere are millions of different life forms on earth that have evolved over time. zSome clues to the type and structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidences of Evolution. Fossils zThere are millions of different life forms on earth that have evolved over time. zSome clues to the type and structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidences of Evolution

2 Fossils zThere are millions of different life forms on earth that have evolved over time. zSome clues to the type and structure of organisms remain in the form of fossils. zFossils: Remnants or traces of organisms of a past geologic age.

3 Aging Fossils zFossils found in deeper, and therefore older, layers of sedimentary rock are generally simpler in body structures than fossils found in younger layers. zStacking Newspapers.

4 Comparative Anatomy zHomologous Structures: Structures which come from different organisms yet have the same evolutionary origion. Forelimbs

5 The Methods Of Change Lamarck’s Theory (1809) z“Inner need” to change zInheritance of acquired characteristics z(based on use and disuse) z

6 The Methods of Change Darwins Theory 1859 zNaturalist on HMS Beagle which Explored South America (3 1/2 years) zVisits the Galapagos Islands zCame up with the theory of Natural Selection.

7 Principles of Natural Selection z1. Living things increase in number geometrically (overproduction). z2. There is no net increase in the number of individuals over a long period of time z3. A “struggle for existence” since not all individuals can survive

8 Principles of Natural Selection z4. No two individuals are exactly alike (variation) z5. In the struggle for existence those variations which are better adapted to their environment leave behind them proportionately more offspring than those less adapted (Survival of the Fittest)


10 Species zA group of individuals that LOOK similar and are capable of producing FERTILE offspring in the natural environment.

11 Population zAll of the members of the same SPECIES that live in particular AREA at the same TIME.

12 Variation in a population zBell Curve - The distribution of traits (Average is the middle.) zMode - The number that occurs most often (High pt.) zRange - The lowest number to the highest number


14 Gene pool zThe collection of GENES for all of the traits in a POPULATION

15 Hardy-Weinberg Principle zGenetic Equilibrium – no CHANGE in the gene pool

16 Conditions that must exist for genetic equilibrium 1. No MUTATION 2. No MIGRATION 3. Large POPULATION 4. Random MATING 5. No NATURAL SELECTION

17 Natural Selection Four types of selection 1. Stabilizing Selection 2. Directional Selection 3. Disruptive Selection 4. Sexual Selection

18 Stabilizing Selection zIndividuals with the AVERAGE form have the ADVANTAGE.

19 This type of selection reduces variation in a population

20 Directional Selection zIndividuals with one of the EXTREME forms have the ADVANTAGE

21 This type of selection favors one of the extreme variations of a trait and can lead to the rapid evolution of a population

22 Disruptive Selection zIndividuals with either of the EXTREME forms have the ADVANTAGE

23 This type of variation favors both extreme variations of a trait, resulting eventually in no intermediate forms of the trait and leading to the evolution of two new species.

24 Sexual Selection zPreferential choice of a MATE based on the presence of a specific trait

25 Speciation zThe formation of new SPECIES

26 Isolation zSeparation of a formerly successful BREEDING population

27 Geographic Isolation zSeparated PHYSICALLY from each other

28 Reproductive Isolation zCan no longer produce FERTILE offspring.

29 Extinction zWhen an entire SPECIES dies off.

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